Updated 5v reg and lowside switch
by lkv0315 1 month 21 hours
Changed the 5V buck converter to a more efficient one
by Aleks 1 month 1 day
Reliability Improvements
by lkv0315 1 month 1 day
Updated BOM to reflect parts availability
by lkv0315 3 months 2 weeks
Placed the thermocoupler circuitry on the board and modified schematic FOr the schematic I removed the adresse jumper ase we know which I2C adresse we are using.
by Aleks 4 months 1 week
Updated to add thermocouple driver onboard
by lkv0315 4 months 2 weeks
Add Custom Battery Board inspireFly Custom battery board that has 5v output and ISS footswitch
by lkv0315 4 months 3 weeks
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