Projet éco-shell / 5. PCB_Batteries / PCB_Batteries.kicad_pcb
Projet éco-shell / 5. PCB_Batteries / PCB_Batteries.kicad_sch
Projet éco-shell / 6. PCB_Driver / Controleur_moteur_Shell_Eco_Marathon.kicad_pcb
Projet éco-shell / 6. PCB_Driver / Controleur_moteur_Shell_Eco_Marathon.kicad_sch
Projet éco-shell / 6. PCB_Driver / fin.kicad_sch
Projet éco-shell / 6. PCB_Driver / Suite.kicad_sch
Last update 6 hours 29 min
Van der Cuylen Sacha
FilesProjet éco-shell3. Software_ShellDC_Controller_Shell_FINAL | |
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Ecomet_All_ADC_PWM_OPAMP_corrige.X | |
mcc_generated_files | |
motorbench | |
MyConfig.mc3 | |
Test Régu.xlsx | |
lib_ecomet.c | |
lib_ecomet.h | |
main.c |
main.c/* * Projet Shell Eco-Marathon 2024 * * Ecole d'Ingnieurs de Pierrard-Virton * */ // Dfinition de variables globales #define FCY 8000000UL // dfini la fonction : __delay_ms() #define CYCLE_DELAY 10 // Nos librairies #include "mcc_generated_files/system.h" #include "mcc_generated_files/pwm.h" #include "mcc_generated_files/adc1.h" #include "lib_ecomet.h" // Autres librairies #include <libpic30.h> //Defines __delay32(); #include <math.h> float courantMoteur = 0; // Programme void init_Timer(void) { T1CONbits.TON = 1; //Activate the timer module T1CONbits.TCKPS = 1; //Select input clock prescaler as 1:8 T1CONbits.TGATE = 0; //Disable Gate Time Accumulation Mode T1CONbits.TCS = 0; //Select internal clock as the timer clock source T1CONbits.TSYNC = 0; //External clock source is left unsynchronized PR1 = 50000; // 1 ms de delay } void Interrupt_Init(void) { IEC0bits.T1IE = 1; IPC0bits.T1IP = 6; } // Paramtres ipmortants //float Imax = 15; // Ampres //float Umin = 38; // Volts //float Umax = 52; // Volts //float TempMOSmax = 75; // C //float TempPICmax = 125; // C float DeltaT = 0.1; // temps d'chantillonage rgulation int consigne = 0; float K_p = 0.1; // coefficient proportionnel : 0.004497 float K_i = 10; // coefficient intgral : 10.39 float erreur = 0; float u = 0; // commande du Buck float integral = 0; int currentState = 2; void __attribute__((interrupt, auto_psv)) _T1Interrupt(void) { // float VBUS = measureVBUS(); // float courantBatt = measureShunt_1(); // float courantMoteur = measureShunt_2(); // float tempMOS = measureTempMOSFET(); // float tempPIC = 25; // // int sat = 1; // // LATDbits.LATD8 = ~LATDbits.LATD8; // // // if (courantBatt <= Imax && courantMoteur <= Imax && VBUS >= Umin && VBUS <= Umax && tempPIC <= TempPICmax && tempMOS <= TempMOSmax) { // // consigne = consigneCourant(); // // erreur = consigne - courantMoteur; // // if (consigne != 0) { // // integral = integral + erreur*DeltaT; // sat = 1; // } else { // // integral = 0; // } // // u = K_p * erreur + K_i*integral; // // if (u / 36 * 150 >= 150) { // // u = 36; // integral = 36; // } // // if (u / 36 * 150 < 0) { // // u = 0; // //integral = 0; // } // // u = (int) (u * 150 / 36); // // PWM_DutyCycleSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, u); // // PWM_DeadTimeHighSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); // Dead time H : 250 ns // PWM_DeadTimeLowSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); // PWM_DeadTimeLowSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); // Dead time L : 250 ns // PWM_DeadTimeHighSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); // PG1STAT = 0b01000; // } else { // // PWM_DutyCycleSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 0); // // PWM_DeadTimeHighSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); // Dead time H : 250 ns // PWM_DeadTimeLowSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); // PWM_DeadTimeLowSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); // Dead time L : 250 ns // PWM_DeadTimeHighSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); // PG1STAT = 0b01000; // } // IFS0bits.T1IF = 0; } int main(void) { init_Ecomet(); float Imax = 25; // Ampres float Umin = 38; // Volts float Umax = 52; // Volts float TempMOSmax = 75; // C float TempPICmax = 125; // C int Step=0; // Valeurs initiales (lecture des ADCs) float VBUS = measureVBUS(); float courantBatt = measureShunt_1(); courantMoteur = measureShunt_2(); float tempMOS = measureTempMOSFET(); float tempPIC = 25; // Indique que la carte a fini son initialisation Buzzer_ON(); __delay_ms(250); Buzzer_OFF(); __delay_ms(250); Buzzer_ON(); __delay_ms(250); Buzzer_OFF(); init_Timer(); Interrupt_Init(); PWM_DutyCycleSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 25); while (1) { T1CONbits.TON = 0; courantMoteur = measureShunt_2(); if (courantMoteur >= Imax) { changeDC_Motor_Error(0); currentState = 1; } switch (currentState) { case 0: // do something in the idle state // LATCbits.LATC7 = 0; // LATCbits.LATC12 = 0; // LATDbits.LATD1 = 0; // LATDbits.LATD8 = 0; // LATCbits.LATC12 =~ LATCbits.LATC12 ; LATCbits.LATC7 = 0; LATCbits.LATC12 = 1; VBUS = measureVBUS(); // tempMOS = measureTempMOSFET(); // courantBatt = measureShunt_1(); courantMoteur = measureShunt_2(); consigne = consigneCourant(); LATCbits.LATC12 = 0; erreur = consigne - courantMoteur; if (consigne != 0) { integral = integral + erreur*DeltaT; //sat = 1; } else { integral = 0; } u = K_p * erreur + K_i*integral; if (u / 36 * 150 >= 150) { u = 36; integral = 36/K_i; } if (u / 36 * 150 < 0) { u = 0; //integral = 0; } u = (int) (u * 150 / 36); PWM_DutyCycleSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, u); PWM_DeadTimeHighSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); // Dead time H : 250 ns PWM_DeadTimeLowSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); PWM_DeadTimeLowSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); // Dead time L : 250 ns PWM_DeadTimeHighSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); PG1STAT = 0b01000; if ((courantMoteur >= Imax) || (VBUS <= Umin || VBUS>= Umax)) { changeDC_Motor_Error(0); currentState = 2; } break; case 1: // do something in the stop state changeDC_Motor_Error(0); LATCbits.LATC7 = 1; if (PORTDbits.RD13 == 0) { currentState = 2; LATCbits.LATC7 = 0; } break; case 2: // do something in the stop state consigne = consigneCourant(); if (consigne >=1 && consigne <3) u=30; else if (consigne >=3 && consigne <5) u=55; else if (consigne >=5 && consigne <7) u=90; else if (consigne >=7 && consigne <9 ) u=120; else if (consigne >=9 ) u=150; else u=0; PWM_DutyCycleSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, u); PWM_DeadTimeHighSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); // Dead time H : 250 ns PWM_DeadTimeLowSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); PWM_DeadTimeLowSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); // Dead time L : 250 ns PWM_DeadTimeHighSet(PWM_GENERATOR_1, 1); PG1STAT = 0b01000; // changeDC_Motor_Error(0); // LATCbits.LATC7 = 1; // if (PORTDbits.RD13 == 0) // currentState = 0; break; } // while (courantBatt <= Imax && courantMoteur <= Imax && VBUS >= Umin && VBUS <= Umax && tempPIC <= TempPICmax && tempMOS <= TempMOSmax) { // // VBUS = measureVBUS(); // tempMOS = measureTempMOSFET(); // courantBatt = measureShunt_1(); // courantMoteur = measureShunt_2(); // } // // // Allume la LED rouge FAULT // LATCbits.LATC7 = 1; // T1CONbits.TON = 0; // integral = 0; // erreur = 0; // // // Coupe le moteur // changeDC_Motor_Error(0); // // // Allume la LED correspondante afin de prvenir le pilote du problme // if (courantBatt >= Imax) { // LATCbits.LATC12 = 1; // } else if (courantMoteur >= Imax) { // LATCbits.LATC12 = 1; // } else if (VBUS <= Umin || VBUS >= Umax) { // LATDbits.LATD1 = 1; // } else if (tempMOS >= TempMOSmax) { // LATDbits.LATD8 = 1; // } // // // Boucle Reset // int a = 1; // while (a == 1) { // // // Test le bouton lors de l'attente du Reset // a = PORTDbits.RD13; // } // // VBUS = measureVBUS(); // tempMOS = measureTempMOSFET(); // courantBatt = measureShunt_1(); // courantMoteur = measureShunt_2(); // T1CONbits.TON = 1; } return 1; }