Projet éco-shell / 5. PCB_Batteries / PCB_Batteries.kicad_pcb
Projet éco-shell / 5. PCB_Batteries / PCB_Batteries.kicad_sch
Projet éco-shell / 6. PCB_Driver / Controleur_moteur_Shell_Eco_Marathon.kicad_pcb
Projet éco-shell / 6. PCB_Driver / Controleur_moteur_Shell_Eco_Marathon.kicad_sch
Projet éco-shell / 6. PCB_Driver / fin.kicad_sch
Projet éco-shell / 6. PCB_Driver / Suite.kicad_sch
Last update 1 month 1 week
Van der Cuylen Sacha
FilesProjet éco-shell2. Rapport Eco-shell | |
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sources.bib% Mettre les sources ici dans le format des exemples sans "%" et utiliser les commande \cite dans le doc @online{microship, title = "e-Kick Scooter Traction Motor Control Reference Design", url = "", urldate = "2024-12-10", note = "Microchip" } %--------------------- Exemples ---------------- % @unpublished{cours_telecom_chap1, % title = "Chapitre 1 : Les ondes électromagnétiques", % institution = "Henallux", % howpublished = "Cours Moodle NTET1 Télécommunication", % year = 2023, % note = "Henallux", % } % @manual{fusion_manual_circulaire, % title = "FORMATION ET RESSOURCES Autodesk Fusion 360", % note = "Symétries et réseaux", % organization = "Autodesk, Inc", % url = "", % year = 2023, % urldate = "2023-03-05" % } % @manual{fusion_manual_combiner, % title = "FORMATION ET RESSOURCES Autodesk Fusion 360", % note = "Combiner - Référence", % organization = "Autodesk, Inc", % url = "", % year = 2023, % urldate = "2023-03-05" % } % @manual{fusion_manual_conge, % title = "FORMATION ET RESSOURCES Autodesk Fusion 360", % note = "Congé – Référence", % organization = "Autodesk, Inc", % url = "", % year = 2023, % urldate = "2023-03-05" % } % @manual{manual_imprimante, % title = "MANUEL D‘IMPRESSION", % note = "Original Prusa I3 MK3S+", % organization = "Prusa Research a.s.", % address = "Partyzánská 188/7A 170 00 Praha", % url = "", % urldate = "2023-03-05", % pages = 9 % } % @unpublished{cours_telecom_chap1, % title = "Chapitre 1 : Les ondes électromagnétiques", % institution = "Henallux", % howpublished = "Cours Moodle NTET1 Télécommunication", % year = 2023, % note = "Henallux" % } % @online{Youtube, % author = "Rémy Carl", % title = "La transmission optique d’une infor-mation logique", % url = "", % urldate = "2023-03-01", % note = "super Orientation by digiSchool" % } % @mastersthesis{Biskra_university, % author = "Mohamed Oussama KHENNICHE", % title = "Etude comparative entre l’ADSL et la Fibre Optique", % school = "Université Mohamed Khider de Biskra", % year = 2020, % month = 9, % address = "République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire", % url = "" % } % @article{einstein, % author = "Albert Einstein", % title = "{Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K{\"o}rper}. ({German}) % [{On} the electrodynamics of moving bodies]", % journal = "Annalen der Physik", % volume = "322", % number = "10", % pages = "891--921", % year = "1905", % DOI = "", % keywords = "physics" % } % @book{dirac, % title = {The Principles of Quantum Mechanics}, % author = {Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac}, % isbn = {9780198520115}, % series = {International series of monographs on physics}, % year = {1981}, % publisher = {Clarendon Press}, % keywords = {physics} % } % @inbook{knuth-fa, % author = "Donald E. Knuth", % title = "Fundamental Algorithms", % publisher = "Addison-Wesley", % year = "1973", % chapter = "1.2", % keywords = "knuth,programming" % }