Last update 2 months 4 days
jquery.hoverIntent.min.js.téléchargement/*! * hoverIntent v1.10.1 // 2019.10.05 // jQuery v1.7.0+ * * * You may use hoverIntent under the terms of the MIT license. Basically that * means you are free to use hoverIntent as long as this header is left intact. * Copyright 2007-2019 Brian Cherne */ !function (factory) { "use strict"; "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], factory) : "object" == typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = factory(require("jquery")) : jQuery && !jQuery.fn.hoverIntent && factory(jQuery) }(function ($) { "use strict"; function track(ev) { cX = ev.pageX, cY = ev.pageY } var cX, cY, _cfg = { interval: 100, sensitivity: 6, timeout: 0 }, INSTANCE_COUNT = 0, compare = function (ev, $el, s, cfg) { if (Math.sqrt((s.pX - cX) * (s.pX - cX) + (s.pY - cY) * (s.pY - cY)) < cfg.sensitivity) return $, track), delete s.timeoutId, s.isActive = !0, ev.pageX = cX, ev.pageY = cY, delete s.pX, delete s.pY, cfg.over.apply($el[0], [ev]); s.pX = cX, s.pY = cY, s.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { compare(ev, $el, s, cfg) }, cfg.interval) }; $.fn.hoverIntent = function (handlerIn, handlerOut, selector) { var instanceId = INSTANCE_COUNT++, cfg = $.extend({}, _cfg); $.isPlainObject(handlerIn) ? (cfg = $.extend(cfg, handlerIn), typeof cfg.out === "function" || (cfg.out = cfg.over)) : cfg = typeof handlerOut === "function" ? $.extend(cfg, { over: handlerIn, out: handlerOut, selector: selector }) : $.extend(cfg, { over: handlerIn, out: handlerIn, selector: handlerOut }); function handleHover(e) { var ev = $.extend({}, e), $el = $(this), hoverIntentData = $"hoverIntent"); hoverIntentData || $"hoverIntent", hoverIntentData = {}); var state = hoverIntentData[instanceId]; state || (hoverIntentData[instanceId] = state = { id: instanceId }), state.timeoutId && (state.timeoutId = clearTimeout(state.timeoutId)); var mousemove = state.event = "mousemove.hoverIntent.hoverIntent" + instanceId; if ("mouseenter" === e.type) { if (state.isActive) return; state.pX = ev.pageX, state.pY = ev.pageY, $, track).on(mousemove, track), state.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { compare(ev, $el, state, cfg) }, cfg.interval) } else { if (!state.isActive) return; $, track), state.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { !function (ev, $el, s, out) { var data = $"hoverIntent"); data && delete data[], out.apply($el[0], [ev]) }(ev, $el, state, cfg.out) }, cfg.timeout) } } return this.on({ "mouseenter.hoverIntent": handleHover, "mouseleave.hoverIntent": handleHover }, cfg.selector) } });