changes to lighting pcb
by Ansley Tsai 9 months 6 days
changes to lighting pcb
by Ansley Tsai 9 months 2 weeks
updates to lighting pcb, now smaller
by Ansley Tsai 9 months 2 weeks
initial routing and edge cuts for pcb
by Ansley Tsai 9 months 3 weeks
updates to lighting pcb
by Ansley Tsai 9 months 3 weeks
Added some changes
by Timo 9 months 3 weeks
added some notes to schematic
by Ansley Tsai 9 months 3 weeks
schematic mostly done, footprints all there
by Ansley Tsai 9 months 3 weeks
cv lighting schematic almost done, footprints all there
by Ansley Tsai 9 months 3 weeks
start making lighting pcb schematic
by Ansley Tsai 10 months 1 week
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