by NK22 1 day 16 hours
Made DSub changes to Motor Dist Board
by Troy Harmon 1 month 2 weeks
added BOM and passed DFM check
by NK22 1 month 3 weeks
updated tracing, passes DRC
by NK22 1 month 3 weeks
updating schematic and tracing
by NK22 1 month 3 weeks
added in no connection flags, all DRC and ERC tests passed
by NK22 1 month 3 weeks
added power flag to pass ERC
by NK22 1 month 3 weeks
updated silkscreen labels
by NK22 1 month 3 weeks
added in the layers and set teh edge cuts, passed DRC checks
by NK22 1 month 3 weeks
routed all the traces between the connectors
by NK22 1 month 3 weeks
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