Carte-Principale / Actionneurs.kicad_sch
Carte-Principale / Carte-Principale.kicad_pcb
Carte-Principale / Carte-Principale.kicad_sch
Carte-Principale / encodeurs.kicad_sch
Carte-Principale / interface.kicad_sch
Carte-Principale / Moteurs.kicad_sch
Carte-Principale / Puissance.kicad_sch
Regle / Regle.kicad_pcb
Regle / Regle.kicad_sch
Regle / PCBruler-master / PCBRuler.kicad_pcb
Regle / PCBruler-master / PCBRuler.sch
Regle / Valpo-PCB-Ruler-master / Valpo-PCB-Ruler.kicad_pcb
Regle / Valpo-PCB-Ruler-master / Valpo-PCB-Ruler.sch
Last update 2 months 1 week
schematic-checklist.mdSchematic review checklist
- [x] CAD ERC 100% clean. If some errors are invalid due to toolchain quirks, each exception must be inspected and signed off as invalid.
- [x] Verify pin numbers of all schematic symbols against datasheet or external interface specification document (if not yet board proven).
- [ ] Schematic symbol matches chosen component package
- [x] Verify pinning of all cables to other boards in the system (straight through vs mirror)
Passive components
- [x] Power/voltage/tolerance ratings specified as required
- [ ] Ceramic capacitors appropriately de-rated for C/V curve
- [ ] Polarized components specified in schematic if using electrolytic caps etc
Power supply
System power input
- [x] Fusing and/or reverse voltage protection at system power inlet
- [ ] TVS at system power inlet
- [ ] Check total input capacitance and add inrush limiter if needed
- [ ] Decoupling present for all ICs
- [ ] Decoupling meets/exceeds vendor recommendations if specified
- [ ] Bulk decoupling present at PSU
- [x] All power inputs fed by correct voltage
- [x] Check high-power discrete semiconductors and passives to confirm they can handle expected load
- [ ] Analog rails filtered/isolated from digital circuitry as needed
- [x] Read errata sheets (if available) for all major devices
- [x] STM32: do not use JTRST pin as an I/O
- [x] Signals are correct logic level for input pin
- [x] Pullups on all open-drain outputs
- [x] Termination on all high-speed signals
- [x] TX/RX paired correctly for UART, SPI, MGT, etc
- [x] Active high/low enable signal polarity correct
Strap/init pins
- [x] Pullup/pulldowns on all signals that need defined state at boot -> TODO in Software
- [x] JTAG/ICSP connector provided for all programmable devices
External interface protection
- [x] Power outputs (USB etc) current limited
- [ ] ESD protection on data lines going off board -> flemme
Debugging / reworkability
- [ ] Use 0-ohm resistors vs direct hard-wiring for strap pins when possible
- [x] Provide multiple ground clips/points for scope probes
- [x] Dedicated ground in close proximity to analog test points
- [x] Test points on all power rails
- [x] Test points on interesting signals which may need probing for bringup/debug