
  • Not Found
  • Invalid object requested. SHA must identify a commit or a tree.
Last update 2 months 1 week
# Git Repository tools. # Copied from Simplexity FW-Tools repo at SHA 47f5c61 # # Deprecated from that repo. import os import re import warnings import sh import shutil import json import datetime import pandas as pd from collections import OrderedDict import logging from typing import List # Future Features: # - Repo figures out if it's BitBucket or GitHub. # - Capture repo name & use that on dashboard. # - Make the 'metrics-' string a property of the repo & use that everywhere. # - Command line arg processor. # - Abstract metrics into their own file so they're more easily modified. # - Set up as proper Python module so easier to install dependencies. def html_table_add_row( table: str = None, param: str = "Parameter", value: str = "" ) -> str: """ Adds a row to a simple HTML table with two columns representing a parameter and its value. Args: html_in (str): HTML table to with to add row. If not provide, an empty table will be generated. param (str): Parameter name. value (str, optional): Parameter value. Defaults to None. """ if table is None: table = "<table></table>" if not isinstance(table, str): raise TypeError("table must be a string.") if not isinstance(param, str): raise TypeError("param must be a string.") if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("value must be a string.") html = "<tr>" html += f"<th><b>{param}</b></th>" html += f"<td>{value}</td>" html += "</tr>" html += "</table>" table = table.replace("</table>", html) return table def url_to_html(url: str, text: str = None) -> str: """ Encodes URL in HTML tag. Args: url (str): URL to encode. Returns: str: HTML encoded URL """ if not isinstance(url, str): raise TypeError("url must be a string.") if text is None: text = url if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError("text must be a string.") html = f'<a href="{url}">{text}</a>' return html class Commit: """ Commit data for an existing commit, immutable. """ def __init__( self, repo, sha: str = None, timestamp=None, subject: str = None, author: str = None, author_email: str = None, ): self._sha = sha self._repo = repo if isinstance(timestamp, str): self._timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime( timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" ) if isinstance(timestamp, datetime.datetime): self._timestamp = timestamp self._subject = subject self._author = author self._author_email = author_email self._metrics = {} # Capture metric data if it exists for this commit. # Check for tags on this Commit. If a metric tag, read the data. for tag in self.tags: if "metrics-" in tag: data = self._repo.git.tag("-l", "--format=%(contents)", tag) data = data.strip() self._metrics = json.loads(data) def __str__(self) -> str: """ String representation of Commit. Returns: str: String representation of commit. """ s = f"{self._sha[:6]} ({self._timestamp.strftime('%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S')}) {self._subject}" return s def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Commit({self._sha[:6]})" @property def sha(self) -> str: """ Returns commit SHA string. """ return self._sha @property def subject(self) -> str: """ Subject line of commit. Returns: str: Commit subject line. """ return self._subject @property def author(self) -> str: """ Author of commit. Returns: str: Author name per 'git log --format=%aN' """ return self._author @property def author_email(self) -> str: """ Email of author of commit. Returns: str: Author's email per 'git log --format=%aE' """ return self._author_email @property def tags(self) -> list: """ Tags associated with this commit. Returns: str: Tags associated with commit. """ tags = self._repo.git.tag("--points-at", self.sha) tags = tags.splitlines() return tags @property def timestamp(self) -> datetime.datetime: """ Time stamp of commit. Returns: datetime.datetime: Time stamp. """ return self._timestamp @property def pr(self) -> int: """ Pull request number of commit. None is returned if this commit is not associated with a pull request. Returns: int: Pull request number of commit. """ pr ="\(pull request #(\d+)\)", self.subject) if pr is None: return None pr = int( return pr @property def url(self) -> str: """ URL of remote HTTP server page for this commit. Returns: str: URL for commit. """ return f"{self._repo.url_base}/commits/{self.sha}" @property def url_pr(self) -> str: """ URL of remote HTTP server page for pull request for this commit. Returns None if no Pull Request associated with commit. Returns: str: URL of Pull Request or None. """ if is None: return None return f"{self._repo.url_base}/pull-requests/{}" def checkout(self) -> None: """ Checks out commit in repository. Returns: None """ self._repo.checkout(self._sha) def log(self) -> str: res = self._repo.git.log("-n1", self._sha) return res def metrics_calc(self): """ Calculates and stores all metrics registered on the commit's repo. The repository checked out to this commit, then the metric functions are run. """ # Make sure this commit is the current commit self.checkout() # Clean the repo except this file. # self._repo.git.clean('-dxf', f'-e {__file__}') # Run each of the metric calc functions metrics = {} for metric in self._repo.metrics: metric.calc(sha=self.sha[:6]) if metric.metrics is not None: metrics = {**metrics, **metric.metrics} self._metrics = metrics @property def metrics(self) -> dict: return self._metrics def metrics_tag(self, build: str = None): """ Tags this commit in the repository with a JSON representation of the metric values for this commit. Args: build (str): Build identifier string. Placed within tag. Default=None Returns: _type_: _description_ """ # Make sure this commit is the current commit self.checkout() # If we don't have any metric, try to generate it. # If still none, then warn and skip. if self.metrics is None: self.metrics_calc() if self.metrics is None: warnings.warn(f"No metric data for {self}, skipping.") return # Generate metrics tag string tagstr = "metrics-" if build is not None: tagstr += build tagstr += "-" tagstr += self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M") tagstr += "-" tagstr += self.sha[:8] # Check for existing tag # If tag exists, we want to overwrite it. # That requires deleting and writing a new tag. log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if tagstr in self.tags: log.warning(f"Tag exists: {tagstr}, deleting & replacing") # Delete locally self._repo.git.tag("-d", tagstr) # Delete on origin (if was already pushed) # git push --delete origin tagname try: self._repo.git.push("--delete", "origin", tagstr) except: # noqa: E722 pass # Tag the repo. data = json.dumps(self.metrics) self._repo.git.tag("-a", tagstr, "-m", data) # Push this tag. self._repo.git.push("origin", tagstr) def to_html_table(self) -> str: """ Returns HTML table of current commit info. Returns: str: HTML formatted table. """ url = url_to_html(self._repo.url_base) table = html_table_add_row(param="Repo URL", value=url) table = html_table_add_row(table=table, param="Branch", value=self._repo.branch) url = url_to_html(url=self.url, text=self.sha[:6]) table = html_table_add_row(table=table, param="Commit", value=url) return table class Repo: def __init__(self, dir: str = None, default_branch: str = None): # Default directory if dir is None: dir = "." # os.getcwd() self._dir = dir self._git = sh.git.bake("--no-pager", _cwd=dir) # Get repo to default branch if provided self._default_branch = default_branch if default_branch is not None: self.checkout(default_branch) # List of metrics to run upon request. self._metrics = [] self._metadata_cols = ["Time Stamp", "SHA", "Pull Request", "Author"] # URL to repo self._url_base = None # Log format string. self._log_format = '--format={"sha":"%H","timestamp":"%ai","subject":"%s","author":"%aN","author_email":"%aE"}' def __str__(self) -> str: """ Stringifier for Repo object. Returns: str: string representation of Repo. """ return f"Repo({self.dir})" def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() @property def dir(self) -> str: """ Directory for the repository. Returns: str: Path of directory. """ return self._dir @property def is_dirty(self) -> bool: """ Check to see if repository is 'dirty'. A repository is dirty if it has uncommitted changes. Note that new files not under version control are ignored. Returns: bool: True if there are uncommitted changes. """ status = self.status status = [x for x in status if x[0] != "?"] return len(status) > 0 @property def is_clean(self) -> bool: """ Check to see if repository is 'clean'. A repository is clean if it has no uncommitted changes. Note that new files not under version control are ignored. Returns: bool: True if there are no uncommitted changes. """ return not self.is_dirty @property def git(self) -> sh.Command: """ Returns sh.Command object for git command pointing at Repo. Returns: sh.Command: git command object. """ return self._git @property def status(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns susinct status of repository. Returns: list: Repository status lines per "git status --porcelain" """ status = self.git.status("--porcelain").splitlines() status = [line.strip() for line in status] return status @property def url_base(self) -> str: """ Returns base URL to remote HTTP server. Returns: str: base URL """ # URL # # git remote -v # origin (fetch) # origin (push) if self._url_base is not None: return self._url_base url = self.git.remote("-v").splitlines()[0] url = url[url.find("@") + 1 :] url = url[: url.find(".git")] url = url.replace(":", "/") url = "https://" + url self._url_base = url return self._url_base @property def branch(self) -> str: """ Name of currently active branch. Returns: str: Branch name """ br = self.git.branch("--show-current").strip() return br @property def url(self) -> str: """ Returns URL to host HTTP server default branch. Returns: str: URL to default branch. """ url = f"{self.url_base}/src/{self._default_branch}/" return url def url_pull_request(self, pr: int = None) -> str: """ Returns URL to pull request on server. If no PR number is provided, the base PR URL is returned. Args: pr (int, optional): Pull request number. Defaults to None. Returns: str: URL """ url = f"{self.url_base}/pull-requests/" if pr is not None: url = f"{url}{pr}" return url def url_commit(self, sha: str = None) -> str: """ Returns URL to commit on server. If no commit SHA is provided, the base commit URL is returned. Args: sha (str, optional): SHA. Defaults to None. Returns: str: URL """ url = f"{self.url_base}/commits/" if sha is not None: url = f"{url}{sha}" return url @property def current(self) -> Commit: """ Commit object for current commit. Returns: Commit: Commit object for current commit. """ commit = self._git.log("-n1", self._log_format).strip() commit = json.loads(commit) commit = Commit(self, **commit) return commit def commit_by_sha(self, sha: str) -> Commit: """ Returns the Commit object specified by the given SHA. Args: sha (str): SHA of commit to find. Returns: Commit: Commit object with given SHA or None if not found. """ try: commit = self._git.log("-n1", self._log_format, sha).strip() commit = json.loads(commit) commit = Commit(self, **commit) except: # noqa: E722 commit = None return commit def pullrequests(self) -> dict: """ Generate dictionary of commits keyed by pull request number. Returns: dict: Dictionary of commits keyed by pull request number. """ # git log --grep "pull request" --format="%h %ai %s %d" --tags # Commits is now a list of dictionaries of commit info for commits with 'pull request' in the subject. commits = self._git.log("--grep", "pull request", self._log_format) commits = commits.splitlines() commits = [json.loads(commit) for commit in commits] ids = [ int("\(pull request #(\d+)\)", commit["subject"]).group(1)) for commit in commits ] commits = [Commit(self, **commit) for commit in commits] return dict(zip(ids, commits)) def tags(self, tag_re: str = "*") -> list: """ Generates list of commits identified by given tag regular expression. If no regular expression string provided, returns all tagged commits. Args: tag_re (str, optional): Tag regex filter string. Defaults to None. Returns: list: List of commits with matching tags. """ # List of tags tags = self._git.log("--no-walk", f"--tags={tag_re}", self._log_format) commits = tags.splitlines() # Get commit info associated with each tag. commits = [json.loads(commit) for commit in commits] return [Commit(self, **commit) for commit in commits] def releases(self, tag_re: str = "release-*") -> dict: """ Generates dictionary of commits keyed by commit date string. Commits can be filtered by a tag regexp. Args: tag_re (str): Tag string regular expression to match. Default='release-*'. Returns: dict: Dictionary of commits keyed by release commit date. """ # List of commits with tag string. commits = self.tags(tag_re=tag_re) # Dates for keys dates = [commit.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M") for commit in commits] return OrderedDict(zip(dates, commits)) def metric_commits(self, tag_re: str = "metrics-*") -> dict: """ Generates a ditionary of commits keyed by commit date string. Commits are those tagged by the given string. This is a convenience function. Args: tag_re (str, optional): String to use for filtering tags . Defaults to 'metrics-*'. Returns: dict: Dictionary of commits with metric data keyed by date. """ return self.releases(tag_re=tag_re) def checkout(self, sha: str = None) -> None: """ Checks out the commit specified by the given SHA. If no SHA provided, will check out to default_branch. Args: sha (str): SHA to check out. """ if sha is None: if self._default_branch is not None: self._git.checkout(self._default_branch) try: self._git.checkout("--force", sha) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_2: print("Checkout failed, repository has changes.") def remote_status(self) -> str: """ Returns status of this repository relative to remote. Returns: str: Ahead/behind commit status relative to remote. """ # Fetch the latest stuff from remote. self.git.fetch() # Get status of local branch relative to remote. res = self.git.status("-sb", _tty_out=False) # Find status line for current branch status = None for line in res.splitlines(): if self.branch in line: status = line break if status is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not find status line for current branch.") idx1 = status.find("[") idx2 = status.find("]") status = status[idx1 + 1 : idx2] if idx1 == -1: # Up to date status = "up to date" return status @property def remote_current(self) -> Commit: """ Remote current Commit object. Returns: Commit: Commit object for latest commit on current branch on remote. """ # Fetch the latest stuff from remote. self.git.fetch() remote = "origin/" + self.branch # Get Commit object for that SHA try: commit = self._git.log("-n1", remote, self._log_format).strip() commit = json.loads(commit) commit = Commit(self, **commit) except: # noqa: E722 commit = None return commit def metric_add(self, metric): self._metrics.append(metric) @property def metrics(self) -> list: """ List of Metric objects associated with this Repo. Returns: list: Metric objects associated with Repo """ return self._metrics def metrics_to_dataframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns Pandas DataFrame with all metric data in Repo. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame of metric data. """ df = pd.DataFrame() # List of metric tags commits = self.metric_commits() commits = list(commits.values()) # Convert those to DataFrame metrics = [commit.metrics for commit in commits] df = pd.DataFrame(metrics) cols = list(df.columns) # Add in commit metadata df["SHA"] = [commit.sha[:6] for commit in commits] df["Time Stamp"] = [commit.timestamp for commit in commits] df["Pull Request"] = [ for commit in commits] df["Author"] = [ for commit in commits] # Order columns nicely cols = self._metadata_cols + cols df = df[cols] return df def file_history(self, filename: str = None, n: int = None, since: str = None): """ Return list of commit objects for a given file's history. Note: n or since must be provided, but not both. See also: file_at_commits. Args: filename (str): File of interest. n (int, optional): Number of commits back from current commit to return. since (str,optional): Date string to return commits since. Returns: List[Commit]: List of commit objects where the file changed. """ if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError("filename must be a string.") if not os.path.exists(filename): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {filename} does not exist") if n is not None and since is not None: raise ValueError("Only one of n or date can be provided.") # Get history of file if n is not None: if n <= 0: raise ValueError("n must be greater than 0.") res = self.git.log("-n", n, self._log_format, filename).strip() if since is not None: res = self.git.log("--since", since, self._log_format, filename).strip() # Process log string. res = res.replace("\n", ",") res = "[" + res + "]" commits = json.loads(res) commits = [Commit(self, **commit) for commit in commits] return commits def file_at_commits( self, filename: str = None, commits: List[Commit] = None ) -> None: """ Checks out a file at multiple commits, saving each as a new file. New file is saved with commit timestamp and SHA in the file name. See also: file_history() Args: filename (str): File to check out commits (List[Commit]): List of commit objects at which to check out file. """ if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError("filename must be a string.") if commits is None: raise ValueError("List of commits required") if isinstance(commits, Commit): commits = [commits] if not isinstance(commits, list): raise TypeError("commits must be a list of Commit objects.") # Get file contents at each commit fileroot, fileext = os.path.splitext(filename) for commit in commits: commit.checkout() if not os.path.exists(filename): print(f"'{filename}' does not exist at {commit.sha}, skipping.") continue ts = commit.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%I-%M") ts = ts + "-" + commit.sha[:6] fn_new = fileroot + ts + fileext shutil.copy(filename, fn_new) def metrics_to_csv(self, filename: str = "metrics.csv") -> None: """ Writes Repo metric data to CSV file. Convenience function using Pandas DataFrame to_csv() method. Args: filename (str, optional): CSV file name. Defaults to 'metrics.csv'. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame of metric data. """ df = self.metrics_to_dataframe() df.to_csv(filename, index=False) return df
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