FilesArduinoCourse | |
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ArduinoCoursePart1 | |
ArduinoCoursePart2 | |
ArduinoCoursePart3 | |
ArduinoMemory | |
ArduinoStatusLED | |
ArduinoUSBASP | |
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In deze cursus wordt stapsgewijs gewerkt aan het realiseren van een universele DCC schakeldecoder voor seinen, servo's en wissels. De cursus is verder geheel in het Engels.
In this course a universal DCC decoder for signals and switches is build step by step. This course is to encourage everyone to start loving the Arduino platform to be used in model railroad automation. The source code was programmed by myself and is in no way intended to imitate other open source or commercial products. The course consists of five major parts:
- In part 1 we will control LEDs, control country dependant aspects of signals including blinking
- In part 2 LED fading and controlling switches are discussed
- Part 3 uses external hardware to overcome speed problems with the Arduino and to have more IO and servo control: UNDER CONSTRUCTION
- Part 4 communication through DCC and Loconet with the Command Centre: UNDER CONSTRUCTION
- Part 5 integration towards a complete accessory decoder: UNDER CONSTRUCTION
- Part 6 programming an Arduino through ICSP
- Part 7 memory usage
Further plans for this course
Queue during fading new command can be received
OLED display
DCC sniffer
Some links:
- The path ArduinoCourse/ does not exist in the repository.