ai camera review 7: remove redundant signals and address boostrapping and SPIFLASH pins allocations
Max Olender
2 years 1 month
ai camera layout: begin
Max Olender
2 years 1 month
ai camera review 6: separate sensor enable signal
Max Olender
2 years 1 month
ai camera review 5: diversify selection of bypass caps
Max Olender
2 years 1 month
ai camera review 4: replace 10K with 215K to help reduce leakage in the ON state
Max Olender
2 years 2 months
ai camera review 3: move DBG_DETECT divider further along power path
Max Olender
2 years 2 months
ai camera review 2: fix the VBUS/USB/BATT power distribution
Removing low-side NFET fixes the polarity. Now bidir FET switch is off
when USB in plugged in (as it should). Additional diode prevents BATT
propagating through the switch back to switch gates, forming a negative
feedback. Additional solder jumper allow cutting USB power from the
bidir switch and from VBUS completely
Max Olender
2 years 2 months
ai camera review 1: remove pull-up resistor for output latch (not necessary)
Max Olender
2 years 2 months
ai camera pcb part 1: missing 3d models addressed, prelim outline
Max Olender
2 years 2 months
ai camera schematics part 10: layout clarifications
Max Olender
2 years 2 months