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buck.pyimport math import ltspice import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy raw_path = '/Users/fab/Documents/LTspice/buck.raw' _1ns = pd.to_timedelta('1ns') def read_dcdc_simulation_out(raw_path): l = ltspice.Ltspice(raw_path) l.parse() time = l.get_time() df = pd.DataFrame(dict( Vi=l.get_data('V(vi)'), V_gH=l.get_data('V(VgH,Vsw)'), V_gL=l.get_data('V(VgL)'), I_dH=l.get_data('Ix(u1:1)'), I_gH=l.get_data('Ix(u1:2)'), V_sw=l.get_data('V(Vsw)'), I_dL=l.get_data('Ix(u2:1)'), I_gL=l.get_data('Ix(u2:2)'), P_LS=l.get_data('V(Vsw)*Ix(u2:1)+V(VgL)*Ix(u2:2)'), # V_sw=l.get_data('V(Vsw)'), ), index=time) return df def analyze_dcdc(df): # V(P003)*Ix(U3:D)+V(VgH)*Ix(U3:G)+V(Vsw)*Ix(U3:S) # df.P_LS.rolling('100us').mean().plot() # #dft = df.copy() #dft.index = pd.to_timedelta(df.index, unit='s') trig = (df.V_gH.rolling(20).mean() > 1).astype(int).diff().fillna(0) > 0 # trig = (df.V_gL.rolling('10ns').mean() > 4).astype(int).diff().fillna(0) > 0 trig_time = trig[trig][4.2e-3:].index # assert len(set(trig_time.diff().dropna())) == 1, set(trig_time.diff().dropna()) tp = trig_time[2] - trig_time[1] trig_time -= 20e-9 df = (df[trig_time[1]:trig_time[-2]]) P_LS = df.V_sw * df.I_dL + df.V_gL * df.I_gL P_HS = (df.Vi - df.V_sw) * df.I_dH + df.V_gH * df.I_gH # the line above is equal to V(Vi)*Ix(U3:D)+V(VgH)*Ix(U3:G)+V(Vsw)*Ix(U3:S) # P_HS = df.Vi* df.I_dH + (df.V_gH +df.V_sw)* df.I_gH + df.V_sw * (-df.I_dH-df.I_gH) def pulse_analysis(s: pd.Series, low, high): # TODO state = (s >= high).astype(int).values - (s <= low).astype(int).values t = s.index.values rise_times = [] fall_times = [] on_times = [] off_times = [] tt = t[0] for i in range(1, len(t)): if state[i - 1] != state[i]: if state[i] == 0: tt = t[i] elif state[i] == 1: rise_times.append(t[i] - tt) else: fall_times.append(t[i] - tt) assert np.std(rise_times) / (np.mean(rise_times) + 5) < 0.1 assert np.std(fall_times) / (np.mean(fall_times) + 5) < 0.1 assert 0.1 < np.mean(rise_times) / np.mean(fall_times) < 2 return dict( tRise=np.mean(rise_times), tFall=np.mean(fall_times), ) print('period=', round(tp * 1e6, 2), 'us') print('fsw=', round(1e-3 / tp, 2), 'khz') t_sw = pulse_analysis(df.V_sw, low=df.Vi * 0.05, high=df.Vi * 0.95) print('tRise_sw', round(t_sw['tRise'] * 1e9, 1), 'ns') #, '(dv/dt=%.2fkV/s)' % (df.Vi.mean()/t_sw['tRise']/1000)) print('tFall_sw', round(t_sw['tFall'] * 1e9, 1), 'ns') dt = df.index[-1] - df.index[0] num_periods = round(dt / tp, 1) print('integrating over', dt, '=', num_periods, 'periods') def integrate(s, mask=None): if mask is not None: s = s.copy() s[~mask] = 0 return scipy.integrate.trapezoid(s.values, s.index.values) def mean(s, mask=None): return integrate(s, mask=mask) / dt print('P(HS)=', round(mean(P_HS), 2), 'W') print('P(LS)=', round(mean(P_LS), 2), 'W') print('P(HS+LS)=', round(mean(P_HS) + mean(P_LS), 1), 'W') df.loc[:, 'P_LS'] = P_LS is_shoot = (df.I_dL > 0.5) print('P(shoot through)=', round(mean(df.Vi * df.I_dL, mask=is_shoot), 2), 'W') is_ston = P_LS > 0.01 * P_LS.max() # self turn on print(' P(self turn-on)=', round(mean(P_LS, mask=is_ston), 2), 'W') # reverse recovery discharge. the mosfet acts like a capacitor that is discharged -> negative power # see is_rr = (df.I_dL > 0) #& (df.V_gL < 2) #& (P_LS < 0) #& & (df.V_sw < 0) is_rr = is_rr & (df.I_dL > .01 * df.I_dL[is_rr].max()) I_RM = df.I_dL[is_rr].max() df.I_dL.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='W')).sum() print(' P(RR)=', round(mean(df.Vi * df.I_dL, mask=is_rr), 2), 'W') #t_rr = pulse_analysis(df.I_dL, low=I_RM*0.1, high=I_RM * 0.9) print('Q_rr=', round(integrate(df.I_dL, mask=is_rr) / num_periods * 1e9, 2), 'nC') print('IRM(RR)=', round(I_RM), 'A') df.loc[:, 'rr'] = is_rr * 20 # +HS selfturn on # df = df[is_ston] # df = df[is_rr] # df = df[is_rr] #df = df[is_rr][df.I_dL[is_rr].idxmax() - tp / 4000:df.I_dL[is_rr].idxmax() + tp / 8000] # df = (df[trig_time[2]:trig_time[2] + tp / 100]) # df = (df[trig_time[1]:trig_time[2]]) # 'P_LS', def apply_mask(s, mask, value=0): mask = mask[s.index[0]:s.index[-1]] s = s.copy() s[~mask] = value return s def _plot(d, mask=None, **kwargs): if mask is not None: d = apply_mask(d, mask, value=math.nan) d = d.set_index((d.index - d.index[0]) * 1e9) d.plot(**kwargs) is_rr[is_rr].index[0] _plot(df[['V_gH', 'V_gL', 'I_dL', 'rr']][is_rr[is_rr].index[0]:is_rr[is_rr].index[0]+20e-9]) plt.title('reverse recovery') t0 = df.I_dL[is_rr].idxmax() print('IRM at', t0) _plot(df[['V_gH', 'V_gL', 'I_dL', 'rr']][t0-50e-9:t0 + 50e-9], mask=is_rr) plt.title('IRM') plt.figure() t0 = is_rr[is_rr].index[0] #t0 = is_rr[t0 + 20e-9:][is_rr[t0 + 20e-9:]].index[0] _plot(df[['V_gH', 'V_gL', 'I_dL', 'rr']][t0:t0+250e-9] ,mask=is_rr) #_plot(df[['V_gH', 'V_gL', 'I_dL', 'rr']]) # plt.grid() # pd.DataFrame(df.values, index=time)[trig_time[1]:trig_time[2]].plot() # plt.plot(time, df) # plt.plot(time, V_cap) def run_ltspice(asc_path): from PyLTSpice import SimRunner, SpiceEditor, LTspice runner = SimRunner(output_folder='./lt-spice-out', simulator=LTspice) # Configures the simulator to use and output # folder from PyLTSpice import SimCommander LTC = SimCommander(asc_path) netlist = SpiceEditor(asc_path, encoding='cp1252') # Open the Spice Model, and creates the .net # set default arguments # netlist.set_parameters(res=0, cap=100e-6) # netlist.set_component_value('R2', '2k') # Modifying the value of a resistor # netlist.set_component_value('R1', '4k') # netlist.set_element_model('V3', "SINE(0 1 3k 0 0 0)") # Modifying the # netlist.set_component_value('XU1:C2', 20e-12) # modifying a # define simulation netlist.add_instructions( "; Simulation settings", ".param run = 0" ) # for opamp in ('AD712', 'AD820'): # netlist.set_element_model('XU1', opamp) # for supply_voltage in (5, 10, 15): # netlist.set_component_value('V1', supply_voltage) ## netlist.set_component_value('V2', -supply_voltage) # # overriding he automatic netlist naming # run_netlist_file = "{}_{}_{}.net".format(, opamp, supply_voltage) # raw, log = runner.run_now(netlist, run_filename=run_netlist_file) # Process here the simulation results run_netlist_file = "{}".format( # , opamp, supply_voltage) raw, log = runner.run_now(netlist, run_filename=run_netlist_file) if __name__ == '__main__': matplotlib.use("macosx") df = read_dcdc_simulation_out(raw_path) #run_ltspice('/Users/fab/Documents/LTspice/buck.asc') analyze_dcdc(df)