from kikit.common import KiPoint from kikit.panelize import Panel, expandRect, findBoardBoundingBox, pcbnew, Origin from kikit.plugin import LayoutPlugin from kikit.units import mm class Plugin(LayoutPlugin): def buildLayout(self, panel: Panel, mainInputFile: str, _sourceArea): layout = self.preset["layout"] cols = layout.get("cols", None) if not cols: raise RuntimeError("Specify the number of colums like this: --layout '...; cols: 3'") cols = int(cols) boards = layout.get("boards", None) if not boards: raise RuntimeError("Specify the boards and counts like this: --layout '...; boards: board_a.kicad_pcb, 3*board_b.kicad_pcb'") panel.sourcePaths.add(mainInputFile) netRenamer = lambda n, orig: self.netPattern.format(n=n, orig=orig) refRenamer = lambda n, orig: self.refPattern.format(n=n, orig=orig) col = x = y = next_y = 0 for filename in boards.split(","): parts = filename.split("*", 1) filename = parts[-1].strip() count = 1 if len(parts) == 1 else int(parts[0]) for _ in range(count): board = pcbnew.LoadBoard(filename) size = panel.appendBoard( filename=filename, destination=KiPoint(x, y), sourceArea=expandRect(findBoardBoundingBox(board), 1 * mm), netRenamer=netRenamer, refRenamer=refRenamer, rotationAngle=self.rotation, inheritDrc=False, ) col += 1 if col == cols: col = x = 0 y = next_y else: x += size.GetWidth() + self.vspace next_y = max(next_y, y + size.GetHeight() + self.hspace) return panel.substrates layout_desc = [ dict(pcb='Fugu2.kicad_pcb', count=1, rotation=0 ), dict(pcb='psu/buck100.kicad_pcb', count=2, rotation=90), dict(pcb='../hw/precision-current-sensor/precision-current-sensor.kicad_pcb', count=1), ] class Plugin2(LayoutPlugin): def buildLayout(self, panel: Panel, mainInputFile: str, _sourceArea): layout = self.preset["layout"] #boards = layout.get("boards", None) #if not boards: # raise RuntimeError("Specify the boards and counts like this: --layout '...; boards: board_a.kicad_pcb, 3*board_b.kicad_pcb'") panel.sourcePaths.add(mainInputFile) netRenamer = lambda n, orig: self.netPattern.format(n=n, orig=orig) refRenamer = lambda n, orig: self.refPattern.format(n=n, orig=orig) col = x = y = next_y = 0 max_cols = 10 for d in layout_desc: filename = d['pcb'] count = int(d.get('count', 1)) assert count > 0 rotation = int(d.get('rotation', 0)) for _ in range(count): board = pcbnew.LoadBoard(filename) size = panel.appendBoard( filename=filename, destination=KiPoint(x, y), origin=Origin.TopRight if rotation == 90 else Origin.TopLeft, sourceArea=expandRect(findBoardBoundingBox(board), 1 * mm), netRenamer=netRenamer, refRenamer=refRenamer, rotationAngle=self.rotation + pcbnew.EDA_ANGLE(rotation, pcbnew.DEGREES_T), inheritDrc=False, ) col += 1 if col == max_cols: col = x = 0 y = next_y else: x += size.GetWidth() + self.vspace next_y = max(next_y, y + size.GetHeight() + self.hspace) x = 0 y = next_y return panel.substrates
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