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Last update 1 year 1 month by fabiosouza
#include "constants.h" #include "level.h" #include "sprites.h" #include "input.h" #include "entities.h" #include "types.h" #include "display.h" // #include <MemoryFree.h> // Useful macros #define swap(a, b) do { typeof(a) temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } while (0) #define sign(a, b) (double) (a > b ? 1 : (b > a ? -1 : 0)) // general uint8_t scene = INTRO; bool exit_scene = false; bool invert_screen = false; uint8_t flash_screen = 0; // game // player and entities Player player; Entity entity[MAX_ENTITIES]; StaticEntity static_entity[MAX_STATIC_ENTITIES]; uint8_t num_entities = 0; uint8_t num_static_entities = 0; void setup(void) { Serial.begin(9600); setupDisplay(); input_setup(); } // Jump to another scene void jumpTo(uint8_t target_scene) { scene = target_scene; exit_scene = true; } // Finds the player in the map void initializeLevel(const uint8_t level[]) { for (int y = LEVEL_HEIGHT - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (int x = 0; x < LEVEL_WIDTH; x++) { uint8_t block = getBlockAt(level, x, y); if (block == E_PLAYER) { player = create_player(x, y); return; } // todo create other static entities } } } uint8_t getBlockAt(const uint8_t level[], uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { if (x < 0 || x >= LEVEL_WIDTH || y < 0 || y >= LEVEL_HEIGHT) { return E_FLOOR; } // y is read in inverse order return pgm_read_byte(level + (((LEVEL_HEIGHT - 1 - y) * LEVEL_WIDTH + x) / 2)) >> (!(x % 2) * 4) // displace part of wanted bits & 0b1111; // mask wanted bits } bool isSpawned(UID uid) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_entities; i++) { if (entity[i].uid == uid) return true; } return false; } bool isStatic(UID uid) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_static_entities; i++) { if (static_entity[i].uid == uid) return true; } return false; } void spawnEntity(uint8_t type, uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { // Limit the number of spawned entities if (num_entities >= MAX_ENTITIES) { return; } // todo: read static entity status switch (type) { case E_ENEMY: entity[num_entities] = create_enemy(x, y); num_entities++; break; case E_KEY: entity[num_entities] = create_key(x, y); num_entities++; break; case E_MEDIKIT: entity[num_entities] = create_medikit(x, y); num_entities++; break; } } void spawnFireball(double x, double y) { // Limit the number of spawned entities if (num_entities >= MAX_ENTITIES) { return; } UID uid = create_uid(E_FIREBALL, x, y); // Remove if already exists, don´t throw anything. Not the best, but shouldn´t happen too often if (isSpawned(uid)) return; // Calculate direction. 32 angles int16_t dir = FIREBALL_ANGLES + atan2(y - player.pos.y, x - player.pos.x) / PI * FIREBALL_ANGLES; if (dir < 0) dir += FIREBALL_ANGLES * 2; entity[num_entities] = create_fireball(x, y, dir); num_entities++; } void removeEntity(UID uid, bool makeStatic = false) { uint8_t i = 0; bool found = false; while (i < num_entities) { if (!found && entity[i].uid == uid) { // todo: doze it found = true; num_entities--; } // displace entities if (found) { entity[i] = entity[i + 1]; } i++; } } void removeStaticEntity(UID uid) { uint8_t i = 0; bool found = false; while (i < num_static_entities) { if (!found && static_entity[i].uid == uid) { found = true; num_static_entities--; } // displace entities if (found) { static_entity[i] = static_entity[i + 1]; } i++; } } UID detectCollision(const uint8_t level[], Coords *pos, double relative_x, double relative_y, bool only_walls = false) { // Wall collision uint8_t round_x = int(pos->x + relative_x); uint8_t round_y = int(pos->y + relative_y); uint8_t block = getBlockAt(level, round_x, round_y); if (block == E_WALL) { return create_uid(block, round_x, round_y); } if (only_walls) { return UID_null; } // Entity collision for (uint8_t i=0; i < num_entities; i++) { // Don't collide with itself if (&(entity[i].pos) == pos) { continue; } uint8_t type = uid_get_type(entity[i].uid); // Only ALIVE enemy collision if (type != E_ENEMY || entity[i].state == S_DEAD || entity[i].state == S_HIDDEN) { continue; } Coords new_coords = { entity[i].pos.x - relative_x, entity[i].pos.y - relative_y }; uint8_t distance = coords_distance(pos, &new_coords); // Check distance and if it´s getting closer if (distance < ENEMY_COLLIDER_DIST && distance < entity[i].distance) { return entity[i].uid; } } return UID_null; } // Shoot void fire() { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_entities; i++) { // Shoot only ALIVE enemies if (uid_get_type(entity[i].uid) != E_ENEMY || entity[i].state == S_DEAD || entity[i].state == S_HIDDEN) { continue; } Coords transform = translateIntoView(&(entity[i].pos)); if (abs(transform.x) < 20 && transform.y > 0) { uint8_t damage = (double) min(GUN_MAX_DAMAGE, GUN_MAX_DAMAGE / (abs(transform.x) * entity[i].distance) / 5); if (damage > 0) { entity[i].health = max(0, entity[i].health - damage); entity[i].state = S_HIT; entity[i].timer = 4; } } } } // Update coords if possible. Return the collided uid, if any UID updatePosition(const uint8_t level[], Coords *pos, double relative_x, double relative_y, bool only_walls = false) { UID collide_x = detectCollision(level, pos, relative_x, 0, only_walls); UID collide_y = detectCollision(level, pos, 0, relative_y, only_walls); if (!collide_x) pos->x += relative_x; if (!collide_y) pos->y += relative_y; return collide_x || collide_y || UID_null; } void updateEntities(const uint8_t level[]) { uint8_t i = 0; while (i < num_entities) { // update distance entity[i].distance = coords_distance(&(player.pos), &(entity[i].pos)); // Run the timer. Works with actual frames. // Todo: use delta here. But needs double type and more memory if (entity[i].timer > 0) entity[i].timer--; // too far away. put it in doze mode if (entity[i].distance > MAX_ENTITY_DISTANCE) { removeEntity(entity[i].uid); // don't increase 'i', since current one has been removed continue; } // bypass render if hidden if (entity[i].state == S_HIDDEN) { i++; continue; } uint8_t type = uid_get_type(entity[i].uid); switch (type) { case E_ENEMY: { // Enemy "IA" if (entity[i].health == 0) { if (entity[i].state != S_DEAD) { entity[i].state = S_DEAD; entity[i].timer = 6; } } else if (entity[i].state == S_HIT) { if (entity[i].timer == 0) { // Back to alert state entity[i].state = S_ALERT; entity[i].timer = 40; // delay next fireball thrown } } else if (entity[i].state == S_FIRING) { if (entity[i].timer == 0) { // Back to alert state entity[i].state = S_ALERT; entity[i].timer = 40; // delay next fireball throwm } } else { // ALERT STATE if (entity[i].distance > ENEMY_MELEE_DIST && entity[i].distance < MAX_ENEMY_VIEW) { if (entity[i].state != S_ALERT) { entity[i].state = S_ALERT; entity[i].timer = 20; // used to throw fireballs } else { if (entity[i].timer == 0) { // Throw a fireball spawnFireball(entity[i].pos.x, entity[i].pos.y); entity[i].state = S_FIRING; entity[i].timer = 6; } else { // move towards to the player. updatePosition( level, &(entity[i].pos), sign(player.pos.x, entity[i].pos.x) * ENEMY_SPEED * delta, sign(player.pos.y, entity[i].pos.y) * ENEMY_SPEED * delta, true ); } } } else if (entity[i].distance <= ENEMY_MELEE_DIST) { if (entity[i].state != S_MELEE) { // Preparing the melee attack entity[i].state = S_MELEE; entity[i].timer = 10; } else if (entity[i].timer == 0) { // Melee attack = max(0, - ENEMY_MELEE_DAMAGE); entity[i].timer = 14; flash_screen = 1; updateHud(); } } else { // stand entity[i].state = S_STAND; } } break; } case E_FIREBALL: { if (entity[i].distance < FIREBALL_COLLIDER_DIST) { // Hit the player and disappear = max(0, - ENEMY_FIREBALL_DAMAGE); flash_screen = 1; updateHud(); removeEntity(entity[i].uid); continue; // continue in the loop } else { // Move. Only collide with walls. // Note: using health to store the angle of the movement UID collided = updatePosition( level, &(entity[i].pos), cos((double) entity[i].health / FIREBALL_ANGLES * PI) * FIREBALL_SPEED, sin((double) entity[i].health / FIREBALL_ANGLES * PI) * FIREBALL_SPEED, true ); if (collided) { removeEntity(entity[i].uid); continue; // continue in the entity check loop } } break; } case E_MEDIKIT: { if (entity[i].distance < ITEM_COLLIDER_DIST) { // pickup entity[i].state = S_HIDDEN; = min(100, + 50); updateHud(); flash_screen = 1; } break; } case E_KEY: { if (entity[i].distance < ITEM_COLLIDER_DIST) { // pickup entity[i].state = S_HIDDEN; player.keys++; updateHud(); flash_screen = 1; } break; } } i++; } } // The map raycaster. Based on void renderMap(const uint8_t level[], double view_height) { UID last_uid; for (uint8_t x = 0; x < SCREEN_WIDTH; x += RES_DIVIDER) { double camera_x = 2 * (double) x / SCREEN_WIDTH - 1; double ray_x = player.dir.x + player.plane.x * camera_x; double ray_y = player.dir.y + player.plane.y * camera_x; uint8_t map_x = uint8_t(player.pos.x); uint8_t map_y = uint8_t(player.pos.y); Coords map_coords = { map_x, map_y }; double delta_x = abs(1 / ray_x); double delta_y = abs(1 / ray_y); int8_t step_x; int8_t step_y; double side_x; double side_y; if (ray_x < 0) { step_x = -1; side_x = (player.pos.x - map_x) * delta_x; } else { step_x = 1; side_x = (map_x + 1.0 - player.pos.x) * delta_x; } if (ray_y < 0) { step_y = -1; side_y = (player.pos.y - map_y) * delta_y; } else { step_y = 1; side_y = (map_y + 1.0 - player.pos.y) * delta_y; } // Wall detection uint8_t depth = 0; bool hit = 0; bool side; while (!hit && depth < MAX_RENDER_DEPTH) { if (side_x < side_y) { side_x += delta_x; map_x += step_x; side = 0; } else { side_y += delta_y; map_y += step_y; side = 1; } uint8_t block = getBlockAt(level, map_x, map_y); if (block == E_WALL) { hit = 1; } else { // Spawning entities here, as soon they are visible for the // player. Not the best place, but would be a very performance // cost scan for them in another loop if (block == E_ENEMY || (block & 0b00001000) /* all collectable items */) { // Check that it's close to the player if (coords_distance(&(player.pos), &map_coords) < MAX_ENTITY_DISTANCE) { UID uid = create_uid(block, map_x, map_y); if (last_uid != uid && !isSpawned(uid)) { spawnEntity(block, map_x, map_y); last_uid = uid; } } } } depth++; } if (hit) { double distance; if (side == 0) { distance = max(1, (map_x - player.pos.x + (1 - step_x) / 2) / ray_x); } else { distance = max(1, (map_y - player.pos.y + (1 - step_y) / 2) / ray_y); } // store zbuffer value for the column zbuffer[x / Z_RES_DIVIDER] = min(distance * DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER, 255); // rendered line height uint8_t line_height = RENDER_HEIGHT / distance; drawVLine( x, view_height / distance - line_height / 2 + RENDER_HEIGHT / 2, view_height / distance + line_height / 2 + RENDER_HEIGHT / 2, GRADIENT_COUNT - int(distance / MAX_RENDER_DEPTH * GRADIENT_COUNT) - side * 2 ); } } } // Sort entities from far to close uint8_t sortEntities() { uint8_t gap = num_entities; bool swapped = false; while (gap > 1 || swapped) { //shrink factor 1.3 gap = (gap * 10) / 13; if (gap == 9 || gap == 10) gap = 11; if (gap < 1) gap = 1; swapped = false; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_entities - gap; i++) { uint8_t j = i + gap; if (entity[i].distance < entity[j].distance) { swap(entity[i], entity[j]); swapped = true; } } } } Coords translateIntoView(Coords *pos) { //translate sprite position to relative to camera double sprite_x = pos->x - player.pos.x; double sprite_y = pos->y - player.pos.y; //required for correct matrix multiplication double inv_det = 1.0 / (player.plane.x * player.dir.y - player.dir.x * player.plane.y); double transform_x = inv_det * (player.dir.y * sprite_x - player.dir.x * sprite_y); double transform_y = inv_det * (- player.plane.y * sprite_x + player.plane.x * sprite_y); // Z in screen return { transform_x, transform_y }; } void renderEntities(double view_height) { sortEntities(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_entities; i++) { if (entity[i].state == S_HIDDEN) continue; Coords transform = translateIntoView(&(entity[i].pos)); // don´t render if behind the player or too far away if (transform.y <= 0.1 || transform.y > MAX_SPRITE_DEPTH) { continue; } int16_t sprite_screen_x = HALF_WIDTH * (1.0 + transform.x / transform.y); int8_t sprite_screen_y = RENDER_HEIGHT / 2 + view_height / transform.y; uint8_t type = uid_get_type(entity[i].uid); // don´t try to render if outside of screen // doing this pre-shortcut due int16 -> int8 conversion makes out-of-screen // values fit into the screen space if (sprite_screen_x < - HALF_WIDTH || sprite_screen_x > SCREEN_WIDTH + HALF_WIDTH) { continue; } switch (type) { case E_ENEMY: { uint8_t sprite; if (entity[i].state == S_ALERT) { // walking sprite = int(millis() / 500) % 2; } else if (entity[i].state == S_FIRING) { // fireball sprite = 2; } else if (entity[i].state == S_HIT) { // hit sprite = 3; } else if (entity[i].state == S_MELEE) { // melee atack sprite = entity[i].timer > 10 ? 2 : 1; } else if (entity[i].state == S_DEAD) { // dying sprite = entity[i].timer > 0 ? 3 : 4; } else { // stand sprite = 0; } drawSprite( sprite_screen_x - BMP_IMP_WIDTH * .5 / transform.y, sprite_screen_y - 8 / transform.y, bmp_imp_bits, bmp_imp_mask, BMP_IMP_WIDTH, BMP_IMP_HEIGHT, sprite, transform.y ); break; } case E_FIREBALL: { drawSprite( sprite_screen_x - BMP_FIREBALL_WIDTH / 2 / transform.y, sprite_screen_y - BMP_FIREBALL_HEIGHT / 2 / transform.y, bmp_fireball_bits, bmp_fireball_mask, BMP_FIREBALL_WIDTH, BMP_FIREBALL_HEIGHT, 0, transform.y ); break; } case E_MEDIKIT: { drawSprite( sprite_screen_x - BMP_ITEMS_WIDTH / 2 / transform.y, sprite_screen_y + 5 / transform.y, bmp_items_bits, bmp_items_mask, BMP_ITEMS_WIDTH, BMP_ITEMS_HEIGHT, 0, transform.y ); break; } case E_KEY: { drawSprite( sprite_screen_x - BMP_ITEMS_WIDTH / 2 / transform.y, sprite_screen_y + 5 / transform.y, bmp_items_bits, bmp_items_mask, BMP_ITEMS_WIDTH, BMP_ITEMS_HEIGHT, 1, transform.y ); break; } } } } void renderGun(uint8_t gun_pos, double amount_jogging) { // jogging char x = 48 + sin((double) millis() * JOGGING_SPEED) * 10 * amount_jogging; char y = RENDER_HEIGHT - gun_pos + abs(cos((double) millis() * JOGGING_SPEED)) * 8 * amount_jogging; if (gun_pos > GUN_SHOT_POS - 2) { // Gun fire display.drawBitmap(x + 6, y - 11, bmp_fire_bits, BMP_FIRE_WIDTH, BMP_FIRE_HEIGHT, 1); } // Don´t draw over the hud! uint8_t clip_height = max(0, min(y + BMP_GUN_HEIGHT, RENDER_HEIGHT) - y); // Draw the gun (black mask + actual sprite). display.drawBitmap(x, y, bmp_gun_mask, BMP_GUN_WIDTH, clip_height, 0); display.drawBitmap(x, y, bmp_gun_bits, BMP_GUN_WIDTH, clip_height, 1); } // Only needed first time void renderHud() { drawText(2, 58, F("{}"), 0); // Health symbol drawText(40, 58, F("[]"), 0); // Keys symbol updateHud(); } // Render values for the HUD void updateHud() { display.fillRect(12, 58, 15, 6, 0); display.fillRect(50, 58, 5, 6, 0); drawText(12, 58,; drawText(50, 58, player.keys); } // Debug stats void renderStats() { display.fillRect(58, 58, 70, 6, 0); drawText(114, 58, int(getActualFps())); drawText(82, 58, num_entities); // drawText(94, 58, freeMemory()); } // Intro screen void loopIntro() { display.drawBitmap( (SCREEN_WIDTH - BMP_LOGO_WIDTH) / 2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT) / 3, bmp_logo_bits, BMP_LOGO_WIDTH, BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT, 1 ); delay(1000); drawText(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 25, SCREEN_HEIGHT * .8, F("PRESS FIRE")); display.display(); // wait for fire while (!exit_scene) { if (input_fire()) jumpTo(GAME_PLAY); }; } void loopGamePlay() { bool gun_fired = false; uint8_t gun_pos = 0; double rot_speed; double old_dir_x; double old_plane_x; double view_height; double jogging; uint8_t fade = GRADIENT_COUNT - 1; initializeLevel(sto_level_1); do { fps(); // Clear only the 3d view display.fillRect(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, RENDER_HEIGHT, 0); // If the player is alive if ( > 0) { // Player speed if (input_up()) { player.velocity += (MOV_SPEED - player.velocity) * .4; jogging = abs(player.velocity) * MOV_SPEED_INV; } else if (input_down()) { player.velocity += (- MOV_SPEED - player.velocity) * .4; jogging = abs(player.velocity) * MOV_SPEED_INV; } else { player.velocity *= .5; jogging = abs(player.velocity) * MOV_SPEED_INV; } // Player rotation if (input_right()) { rot_speed = ROT_SPEED * delta; old_dir_x = player.dir.x; player.dir.x = player.dir.x * cos(-rot_speed) - player.dir.y * sin(-rot_speed); player.dir.y = old_dir_x * sin(-rot_speed) + player.dir.y * cos(-rot_speed); old_plane_x = player.plane.x; player.plane.x = player.plane.x * cos(-rot_speed) - player.plane.y * sin(-rot_speed); player.plane.y = old_plane_x * sin(-rot_speed) + player.plane.y * cos(-rot_speed); } else if (input_left()) { rot_speed = ROT_SPEED * delta; old_dir_x = player.dir.x; player.dir.x = player.dir.x * cos(rot_speed) - player.dir.y * sin(rot_speed); player.dir.y = old_dir_x * sin(rot_speed) + player.dir.y * cos(rot_speed); old_plane_x = player.plane.x; player.plane.x = player.plane.x * cos(rot_speed) - player.plane.y * sin(rot_speed); player.plane.y = old_plane_x * sin(rot_speed) + player.plane.y * cos(rot_speed); } view_height = abs(sin((double) millis() * JOGGING_SPEED)) * 6 * jogging; // Update gun if (gun_pos > GUN_TARGET_POS) { // Right after fire gun_pos -= 1; } else if (gun_pos < GUN_TARGET_POS) { // Showing up gun_pos += 2; } else if (!gun_fired && input_fire()) { // ready to fire and fire pressed gun_pos = GUN_SHOT_POS; gun_fired = true; fire(); } else if (gun_fired && !input_fire()) { // just fired and restored position gun_fired = false; } } else { // The player is dead if (view_height > -10) view_height--; else if (input_fire()) jumpTo(INTRO); if (gun_pos > 1) gun_pos -= 2; } // Player movement if (abs(player.velocity) > 0.003) { updatePosition( sto_level_1, &(player.pos), player.dir.x * player.velocity * delta, player.dir.y * player.velocity * delta ); } else { player.velocity = 0; } // Update things updateEntities(sto_level_1); // Render stuff renderMap(sto_level_1, view_height); renderEntities(view_height); renderGun(gun_pos, jogging); // Fade in effect if (fade > 0) { fadeScreen(fade); fade--; if (fade == 0) { // Only draw the hud after fade in effect renderHud(); } } else { renderStats(); } // flash screen if (flash_screen > 0) { invert_screen = !invert_screen; flash_screen--; } else if (invert_screen) { invert_screen = 0; } // Draw the frame display.invertDisplay(invert_screen); display.display(); // Exit routine if (input_left() && input_right()) { jumpTo(INTRO); } } while (!exit_scene); } void loop(void) { switch (scene) { case INTRO: { loopIntro(); break; } case GAME_PLAY: { loopGamePlay(); break; } } // fade out effect for (uint8_t i=0; i<GRADIENT_COUNT; i++) { fadeScreen(i, 0); display.display(); delay(40); } exit_scene = false; }
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