Housekeeping update - 1.2.2 Version numbers updated to 1.2.2 for the schematic and PCB Components identified, datasheet and descriptions updated iBOM regenerated PCB plots regenerated PCB : - only thermal reliefs on PTH, not on SMD pads - couple GND islands taken care of - couple rationalisations on the 3v3 rails
by Martin ROGER 1 year 3 weeks
PCB layout update 1.2.1 Updated with OpAmp circuitry plus some component identification
by Martin ROGER 1 year 1 month
Minor SW release - Added foundation functions and debug mode - Renamed some ESP32 inputs - Completed some SMD footprints that were missing PCB update to be done
by Martin ROGER 1 year 1 month
Added first draft of Op-amp based circuitry Also some rationalisation of the components to avoid near-duplicates (e.g. 0.1uF 50V caps)
by Martin ROGER 1 year 1 month
Continued merge of both branches Cleaned up PCB, extended 10mm to the right and pushed the power conversion stages to the right of the board. Left Resistive sensors out in the open as they will be changed, increased available real estate for resistive sensor
by Martin ROGER 1 year 1 month
Merge branch 'main' into Martin-dev
by Martin ROGER 1 year 1 month
Corrected power input filter Connection was incorrect in power input filter.
by Alex-XNR 1 year 1 month
1.1HW and Schematics -> PR - Updated all dates in title blocks - Added both FET based new power supply and protection circuits - completely winged the zones - Completed PCB layout, passes DRCs --> Needs review - Updated PCB metadata - Relocated 5th mounting hole a bit - Regenerated interactive BOM
by Martin ROGER 1 year 1 month
PCB adaptation - Updated footprints - Started grouping - Hid a few references
by Martin ROGER 1 year 1 month
Added power input sch Added power input sheet. Relays removed. MOSFETs added for switching power.
by Alex-XNR 1 year 1 month
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