Added pullup+down to the PCF Addr lines, CGND connected through RC to GND near PSU
by jordancartwright 1 year 5 months
consolidated a few parts, setup BOM output for assembly
by j.cartwright 1 year 5 months
removed variants (not needed), polygons for ground and power added, mains…
by j.cartwright 1 year 5 months
processor and io expander routing finished
by ADI\jcartwright 1 year 5 months
Initial layout of power supplies, added mounting holes and shifted channels to accomodate them
by ADI\jcartwright 1 year 5 months
Channel measurement routing done, interleaved channel connections to loads
by ADI\jcartwright 1 year 5 months
Grounded unused FET pins, input channels routed
by ADI\jcartwright 1 year 5 months
Removed numerous IO expanders no longer required for FP LEDs, Diodes on rail…
by ADI\jcartwright 1 year 5 months
Some footprints added. Placement refined.
by Jeremy_Kent 1 year 5 months
Rooms arranged and moved to PCB area
by Jeremy_Kent 1 year 5 months
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