Generated manufacturing files - Replaced the USB-C connector with a custom one with paste layers on the THT pins. This will help in reliably soldering the USB-C connector.
by Vishnu Mohanan 6 months 2 weeks
Removed the Micro-USB
by Vishnu Mohanan 6 months 2 weeks
Updated logos and labels * Updated the silkscreen labels. * Added the `D1` variant string to the project info and silkscreen. * Added net classes and net highlights in the schematic and PCB. * Updated the placements of the OSHW logo. * Added `ALT MPN` column to the BoM. * Manufacturing files generation pending.
by Vishnu Mohanan 6 months 2 weeks
Generated mfr files
by Vishnu Mohanan 11 months 1 week
R0.6 * Added USB breakout pads. * Moved BTN jumper to Front. * Replaced jumpers with 0R. * Udpated fab layers.
by Vishnu Mohanan 11 months 1 week
Updated fab layers
by Vishnu Mohanan 11 months 1 week
Updated to KiCad V8
by Vishnu Mohanan 11 months 1 week
Revision r0.5
by Vishnu Mohanan 2 years 2 weeks
r0.3 Connected with
by Vishnu Mohanan 2 years 6 months
Updated design info
by Vishnu Mohanan 2 years 6 months
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