BatteryBoard / _autosave-PrechargeCircuit_NEW.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / BatteryBoard.kicad_pcb
BatteryBoard / BatteryBoard.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / BatteryBoard.sch
BatteryBoard / CANCommunication.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / CANCommunication.sch
BatteryBoard / Connectors.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / Connectors.sch
BatteryBoard / CurrentSensing.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / CurrentSensing.sch
BatteryBoard / ExternalClocks.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / ExternalClocks.sch
BatteryBoard / Extra_IO.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / ExtraAnalogIn.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / ExtraDigitalOut.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / Fan.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / Fan.sch
BatteryBoard / InputProtection.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / InputProtection.sch
BatteryBoard / InputProtectionFanTach.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / InputProtectionFanTach.sch
BatteryBoard / LightsTeam.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / LightsTeam.sch
BatteryBoard / MCU.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / MCU.sch
BatteryBoard / PowerPathing.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / PowerPathing.sch
BatteryBoard / PowerTeam.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / PowerTeam.sch
BatteryBoard / PrechargeCircuit.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / PrechargeCircuit_NEW.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / Reset.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / Reset.sch
BatteryBoard / STLink.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / STLink.sch
BatteryBoard / SwitchingLogic.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / CANCommunication.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / Connectors.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / CurrentSensing.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / CurrentSensing.sch
DriverBoard / DriverBoard.kicad_pcb
DriverBoard / DriverBoard.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / ECU_inputs.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / EXAMPLE.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / ExternalClocks.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / InputProtection.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / inputs.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / IO.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / LightsTeam.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / MCU.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / outputs.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / PowerPathing.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / Reset.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / STLink.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / LongWireSwitching.sch
DriverBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / MicroController.sch
DriverBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / PCB_Protection.kicad_pcb
DriverBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / PCB_Protection.sch
FuseBoard / FuseBoard.kicad_pcb
FuseBoard / FuseBoard.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / accelControl.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / CANCommunication.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / Connectors.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / digitalPot.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / EXAMPLE.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / ExternalClocks.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / InputProtection.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / IO.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / IsoCANCommunication.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / MCU.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / MotorBoard.kicad_pcb
MotorBoard / MotorBoard.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / PowerPathing.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / regenControl.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / Reset.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / STLink.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / switchingLogic.kicad_sch
MotorBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / LongWireSwitching.sch
MotorBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / MicroController.sch
MotorBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / PCB_Protection.kicad_pcb
MotorBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / PCB_Protection.sch
PrechargeBreakout / PrechargeBreakout / ChResistors.kicad_sch
PrechargeBreakout / PrechargeBreakout / DisResistors.kicad_sch
PrechargeBreakout / PrechargeBreakout / Precharge_Switch_Logic_CH.kicad_sch
PrechargeBreakout / PrechargeBreakout / Precharge_Switch_Logic_DIS.kicad_sch
PrechargeBreakout / PrechargeBreakout / PrechargeBreakout.kicad_pcb
PrechargeBreakout / PrechargeBreakout / PrechargeBreakout.kicad_sch
PrechargeBreakout / PrechargeBreakout / PrechargeSwitchLogic.kicad_sch
Template / CANCommunication.kicad_sch
Template / Connectors.kicad_sch
Template / EXAMPLE.kicad_sch
Template / ExternalClocks.kicad_sch
Template / InputProtection.kicad_sch
Template / MCU.kicad_sch
Template / PowerPathing.kicad_sch
Template / Reset.kicad_sch
Template / STLink.kicad_sch
Template / Template.kicad_pcb
Template / Template.kicad_sch
Template / Simulation / PCB_Protection / LongWireSwitching.sch
Template / Simulation / PCB_Protection / MicroController.sch
Template / Simulation / PCB_Protection / PCB_Protection.kicad_pcb
Template / Simulation / PCB_Protection / PCB_Protection.sch
Last update 1 year 12 months
Kevin Dang
LightsTeam.sch-bakEESchema Schematic File Version 4 EELAYER 30 0 EELAYER END $Descr A4 11693 8268 encoding utf-8 Sheet 4 22 Title "" Date "" Rev "" Comp "" Comment1 "" Comment2 "" Comment3 "" Comment4 "" $EndDescr $Comp L Device:R R? U 1 1 603025F1 P 3050 1450 AR Path="/603025F1" Ref="R?" Part="1" AR Path="/602F5385/603025F1" Ref="R2" Part="1" F 0 "R2" V 2843 1450 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "0.5" V 2934 1450 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 2980 1450 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 3050 1450 50 0001 C CNN 1 3050 1450 0 1 1 0 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 2650 1450 2750 1450 Wire Wire Line 2750 1450 2750 1100 Connection ~ 2750 1450 Wire Wire Line 2750 1450 2900 1450 Wire Wire Line 3200 1450 3350 1450 Wire Wire Line 3350 1200 3350 1450 $Comp L Device:R R? U 1 1 603025FF P 3300 2150 AR Path="/603025FF" Ref="R?" Part="1" AR Path="/602F5385/603025FF" Ref="R3" Part="1" F 0 "R3" V 3093 2150 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "0.1" V 3184 2150 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3230 2150 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 3300 2150 50 0001 C CNN 1 3300 2150 0 1 1 0 $EndComp $Comp L Device:R R? U 1 1 60302605 P 3550 2900 AR Path="/60302605" Ref="R?" Part="1" AR Path="/602F5385/60302605" Ref="R4" Part="1" F 0 "R4" V 3343 2900 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "1" V 3434 2900 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3480 2900 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 3550 2900 50 0001 C CNN 1 3550 2900 0 1 1 0 $EndComp $Comp L Device:R R? U 1 1 6030260B P 3800 3700 AR Path="/6030260B" Ref="R?" Part="1" AR Path="/602F5385/6030260B" Ref="R5" Part="1" F 0 "R5" V 3593 3700 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "0.1" V 3684 3700 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3730 3700 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 3800 3700 50 0001 C CNN 1 3800 3700 0 1 1 0 $EndComp $Comp L Device:R R? U 1 1 60302611 P 4050 4500 AR Path="/60302611" Ref="R?" Part="1" AR Path="/602F5385/60302611" Ref="R6" Part="1" F 0 "R6" V 3843 4500 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "0.1" V 3934 4500 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3980 4500 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 4050 4500 50 0001 C CNN 1 4050 4500 0 1 1 0 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 2900 2150 3100 2150 Wire Wire Line 3150 2900 3350 2900 Wire Wire Line 3700 2900 3750 2900 Wire Wire Line 3400 3700 3600 3700 Wire Wire Line 3950 3700 4000 3700 Wire Wire Line 3650 4500 3850 4500 Wire Wire Line 4200 4500 4250 4500 $Sheet S 4850 1700 950 300 U 6030261E F0 "sheet60302598" 50 F1 "CurrentSensing.sch" 50 F2 "V-" I L 4850 1800 50 F3 "V+" I L 4850 1900 50 F4 "Current_Value" O R 5800 1850 50 $EndSheet Wire Wire Line 3450 2150 3500 2150 Wire Wire Line 3100 1800 3100 2150 Connection ~ 3100 2150 Wire Wire Line 3100 2150 3150 2150 Wire Wire Line 3500 1900 3500 2150 $Sheet S 4850 2450 950 300 U 6030262B F0 "sheet60302599" 50 F1 "CurrentSensing.sch" 50 F2 "V-" I L 4850 2550 50 F3 "V+" I L 4850 2650 50 F4 "Current_Value" O R 5800 2600 50 $EndSheet Connection ~ 3350 2900 Wire Wire Line 3350 2900 3400 2900 $Sheet S 4850 3250 950 300 U 60302635 F0 "sheet6030259A" 50 F1 "CurrentSensing.sch" 50 F2 "V-" I L 4850 3350 50 F3 "V+" I L 4850 3450 50 F4 "Current_Value" O R 5800 3400 50 $EndSheet Wire Wire Line 4850 3350 3600 3350 Wire Wire Line 3600 3350 3600 3700 Connection ~ 3600 3700 Wire Wire Line 3600 3700 3650 3700 Wire Wire Line 4850 3450 4000 3450 Wire Wire Line 4000 3450 4000 3700 $Sheet S 4850 4050 950 300 U 60302642 F0 "sheet6030259B" 50 F1 "CurrentSensing.sch" 50 F2 "V-" I L 4850 4150 50 F3 "V+" I L 4850 4250 50 F4 "Current_Value" O R 5800 4200 50 $EndSheet Wire Wire Line 4850 4150 3850 4150 Wire Wire Line 3850 4150 3850 4500 Connection ~ 3850 4500 Wire Wire Line 3850 4500 3900 4500 Wire Wire Line 4850 4250 4250 4250 Wire Wire Line 4250 4250 4250 4500 Wire Wire Line 3750 2650 3750 2900 Wire Wire Line 3350 2550 3350 2900 Wire Wire Line 2750 1100 4850 1100 Wire Wire Line 3350 1200 4850 1200 Wire Wire Line 3100 1800 4850 1800 Wire Wire Line 3500 1900 4850 1900 Wire Wire Line 3350 2550 4850 2550 Wire Wire Line 3750 2650 4850 2650 $Sheet S 4850 1000 950 300 U 6030265D F0 "sheet6030259C" 50 F1 "CurrentSensing.sch" 50 F2 "V-" I L 4850 1100 50 F3 "V+" I L 4850 1200 50 F4 "Current_Value" O R 5800 1150 50 $EndSheet $Comp L UVA_SolarCar_PowerAux:DMN2056U-7 Q? U 1 1 6030266C P 3600 5650 AR Path="/6030266C" Ref="Q?" Part="1" AR Path="/602F5385/6030266C" Ref="Q6" Part="1" F 0 "Q6" H 4030 5796 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "DMN2056U-7" H 4030 5705 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "UVA_SolarCar_PowerAux:SOT96P240X100-3N" H 4050 5600 50 0001 L CNN F 3 "" H 4050 5500 50 0001 L CNN F 4 "DIODES INC. - DMN2056U-7 - MOSFET, AEC-Q101, N-CH, 20V, SOT-23" H 4050 5400 50 0001 L CNN "Description" F 5 "1" H 4050 5300 50 0001 L CNN "Height" F 6 "Diodes Inc." H 4050 5200 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Name" F 7 "DMN2056U-7" H 4050 5100 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Part_Number" F 8 "DMN2056U-7" H 4050 5000 50 0001 L CNN "Arrow Part Number" F 9 "" H 4050 4900 50 0001 L CNN "Arrow Price/Stock" F 10 "621-DMN2056U-7" H 4050 4800 50 0001 L CNN "Mouser Part Number" F 11 "" H 4050 4700 50 0001 L CNN "Mouser Price/Stock" 1 3600 5650 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L UVA_SolarCar_PowerAux:DMN2056U-7 Q? U 1 1 6030268B P 3350 4900 AR Path="/6030268B" Ref="Q?" Part="1" AR Path="/602F5385/6030268B" Ref="Q5" Part="1" F 0 "Q5" H 3780 5046 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "DMN2056U-7" H 3780 4955 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "UVA_SolarCar_PowerAux:SOT96P240X100-3N" H 3800 4850 50 0001 L CNN F 3 "" H 3800 4750 50 0001 L CNN F 4 "DIODES INC. - DMN2056U-7 - MOSFET, AEC-Q101, N-CH, 20V, SOT-23" H 3800 4650 50 0001 L CNN "Description" F 5 "1" H 3800 4550 50 0001 L CNN "Height" F 6 "Diodes Inc." H 3800 4450 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Name" F 7 "DMN2056U-7" H 3800 4350 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Part_Number" F 8 "DMN2056U-7" H 3800 4250 50 0001 L CNN "Arrow Part Number" F 9 "" H 3800 4150 50 0001 L CNN "Arrow Price/Stock" F 10 "621-DMN2056U-7" H 3800 4050 50 0001 L CNN "Mouser Part Number" F 11 "" H 3800 3950 50 0001 L CNN "Mouser Price/Stock" 1 3350 4900 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L UVA_SolarCar_PowerAux:DMN2056U-7 Q? U 1 1 60302699 P 3100 4100 AR Path="/60302699" Ref="Q?" Part="1" AR Path="/602F5385/60302699" Ref="Q4" Part="1" F 0 "Q4" H 3530 4246 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "DMN2056U-7" H 3530 4155 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "UVA_SolarCar_PowerAux:SOT96P240X100-3N" H 3550 4050 50 0001 L CNN F 3 "" H 3550 3950 50 0001 L CNN F 4 "DIODES INC. - DMN2056U-7 - MOSFET, AEC-Q101, N-CH, 20V, SOT-23" H 3550 3850 50 0001 L CNN "Description" F 5 "1" H 3550 3750 50 0001 L CNN "Height" F 6 "Diodes Inc." H 3550 3650 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Name" F 7 "DMN2056U-7" H 3550 3550 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Part_Number" F 8 "DMN2056U-7" H 3550 3450 50 0001 L CNN "Arrow Part Number" F 9 "" H 3550 3350 50 0001 L CNN "Arrow Price/Stock" F 10 "621-DMN2056U-7" H 3550 3250 50 0001 L CNN "Mouser Part Number" F 11 "" H 3550 3150 50 0001 L CNN "Mouser Price/Stock" 1 3100 4100 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L UVA_SolarCar_PowerAux:DMN2056U-7 Q? U 1 1 603026A7 P 2850 3300 AR Path="/603026A7" Ref="Q?" Part="1" AR Path="/602F5385/603026A7" Ref="Q3" Part="1" F 0 "Q3" H 3280 3446 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "DMN2056U-7" H 3280 3355 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "UVA_SolarCar_PowerAux:SOT96P240X100-3N" H 3300 3250 50 0001 L CNN F 3 "" H 3300 3150 50 0001 L CNN F 4 "DIODES INC. - DMN2056U-7 - MOSFET, AEC-Q101, N-CH, 20V, SOT-23" H 3300 3050 50 0001 L CNN "Description" F 5 "1" H 3300 2950 50 0001 L CNN "Height" F 6 "Diodes Inc." H 3300 2850 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Name" F 7 "DMN2056U-7" H 3300 2750 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Part_Number" F 8 "DMN2056U-7" H 3300 2650 50 0001 L CNN "Arrow Part Number" F 9 "" H 3300 2550 50 0001 L CNN "Arrow Price/Stock" F 10 "621-DMN2056U-7" H 3300 2450 50 0001 L CNN "Mouser Part Number" F 11 "" H 3300 2350 50 0001 L CNN "Mouser Price/Stock" 1 2850 3300 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L UVA_SolarCar_PowerAux:DMN2056U-7 Q? U 1 1 603026B5 P 2600 2550 AR Path="/603026B5" Ref="Q?" Part="1" AR Path="/602F5385/603026B5" Ref="Q2" Part="1" F 0 "Q2" H 3030 2696 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "DMN2056U-7" H 3030 2605 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "UVA_SolarCar_PowerAux:SOT96P240X100-3N" H 3050 2500 50 0001 L CNN F 3 "" H 3050 2400 50 0001 L CNN F 4 "DIODES INC. - DMN2056U-7 - MOSFET, AEC-Q101, N-CH, 20V, SOT-23" H 3050 2300 50 0001 L CNN "Description" F 5 "1" H 3050 2200 50 0001 L CNN "Height" F 6 "Diodes Inc." H 3050 2100 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Name" F 7 "DMN2056U-7" H 3050 2000 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Part_Number" F 8 "DMN2056U-7" H 3050 1900 50 0001 L CNN "Arrow Part Number" F 9 "" H 3050 1800 50 0001 L CNN "Arrow Price/Stock" F 10 "621-DMN2056U-7" H 3050 1700 50 0001 L CNN "Mouser Part Number" F 11 "" H 3050 1600 50 0001 L CNN "Mouser Price/Stock" 1 2600 2550 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L UVA_SolarCar_PowerAux:DMN2056U-7 Q? U 1 1 603026C3 P 2350 1850 AR Path="/603026C3" Ref="Q?" Part="1" AR Path="/602F5385/603026C3" Ref="Q1" Part="1" F 0 "Q1" H 2578 1896 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "DMN2056U-7" H 2578 1805 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "UVA_SolarCar_PowerAux:SOT96P240X100-3N" H 2800 1800 50 0001 L CNN F 3 "" H 2800 1700 50 0001 L CNN F 4 "DIODES INC. - DMN2056U-7 - MOSFET, AEC-Q101, N-CH, 20V, SOT-23" H 2800 1600 50 0001 L CNN "Description" F 5 "1" H 2800 1500 50 0001 L CNN "Height" F 6 "Diodes Inc." H 2800 1400 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Name" F 7 "DMN2056U-7" H 2800 1300 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Part_Number" F 8 "DMN2056U-7" H 2800 1200 50 0001 L CNN "Arrow Part Number" F 9 "" H 2800 1100 50 0001 L CNN "Arrow Price/Stock" F 10 "621-DMN2056U-7" H 2800 1000 50 0001 L CNN "Mouser Part Number" F 11 "" H 2800 900 50 0001 L CNN "Mouser Price/Stock" 1 2350 1850 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Text HLabel 1950 1850 0 50 Input ~ 0 DRL_EN Text HLabel 1950 2550 0 50 Input ~ 0 BRAKE_LIGHT_EN Text HLabel 1950 3300 0 50 Input ~ 0 BMS_STROBE_EN Text HLabel 1950 4100 0 50 Input ~ 0 LEFT_TURN_EN Text HLabel 1950 4900 0 50 Input ~ 0 RIGHT_TURN_EN Text HLabel 1950 5650 0 50 Input ~ 0 HORN_EN Text HLabel 3450 1450 2 50 Output ~ 0 DRL- Text HLabel 3600 2150 2 50 Output ~ 0 BRAKE_LIGHT- Wire Wire Line 3600 2150 3500 2150 Connection ~ 3500 2150 Wire Wire Line 3450 1450 3350 1450 Connection ~ 3350 1450 Text HLabel 3850 2900 2 50 Output ~ 0 BMS_STROBE- Wire Wire Line 3850 2900 3750 2900 Connection ~ 3750 2900 Text HLabel 4100 3700 2 50 Output ~ 0 LEFT_TURN- Wire Wire Line 4100 3700 4000 3700 Connection ~ 4000 3700 Wire Wire Line 4350 4500 4250 4500 Text HLabel 4350 4500 2 50 Output ~ 0 RIGHT_TURN- Connection ~ 4250 4500 Wire Wire Line 4000 5250 3900 5250 Text HLabel 4000 5250 2 50 Output ~ 0 HORN_CTRL Text HLabel 5900 1150 2 50 Output ~ 0 DRL_CURRENT Wire Wire Line 5900 1150 5800 1150 Text HLabel 5900 1850 2 50 Output ~ 0 BRAKE_LIGHT_CURRENT Wire Wire Line 5900 1850 5800 1850 Text HLabel 5900 2600 2 50 Output ~ 0 BMS_STROBE_CURRENT Wire Wire Line 5900 2600 5800 2600 Text HLabel 5900 3400 2 50 Output ~ 0 LEFT_TURN_CURRENT Wire Wire Line 5900 3400 5800 3400 Text HLabel 5900 4200 2 50 Output ~ 0 RIGHT_TURN_CURRENT Wire Wire Line 5900 4200 5800 4200 Text HLabel 1100 6150 0 50 Input ~ 0 GND Text Label 1350 6150 2 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 1350 6150 1100 6150 Text Label 3900 6100 1 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 3900 6100 3900 5850 Text Label 3650 5350 1 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 3650 5350 3650 5100 Text Label 3400 4550 1 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 3400 4550 3400 4300 Text Label 3150 3750 1 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 3150 3750 3150 3500 Text Label 2900 3000 1 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 2900 3000 2900 2750 Text Label 2650 2300 1 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 2650 2300 2650 2050 Text Notes 6550 1200 0 50 ~ 0 Expected Total Current Value of DRL: 60 mA\nDRL Model: Text Notes 6950 1900 0 50 ~ 0 Expected Total Current Value of Brake Lights: 300 mA\nBrake Light Model: Text Notes 6900 2650 0 50 ~ 0 Expected Total Current Value of BMS Strobe: 20 mA\nStrobe Light Model: Text Notes 6850 3450 0 50 ~ 0 Expected Total Current Value of Left Turn Lights: 300 mA\nLeft Turn Light Model: Text Notes 4550 5300 0 50 ~ 0 Note: The actual horn will be attached to an external relay. \nThe open drain output of this transistor is used control the external relay Text Notes 4600 5550 0 50 ~ 0 Potential Horn Model:\nRequires around 10A on startup Text Notes 6850 4300 0 50 ~ 0 Expected Total Current Value: 300 mA\nRight Turn Light Model: Wire Wire Line 1950 1850 2350 1850 Wire Wire Line 1950 2550 2600 2550 Wire Wire Line 1950 3300 2850 3300 Wire Wire Line 1950 4100 3100 4100 Wire Wire Line 1950 4900 3350 4900 Wire Wire Line 1950 5650 3600 5650 $EndSCHEMATC