Length matched all SPI/SDIO lines.
by rich27 2 years 4 months
Added changes to SD card, boot select, and GND connect.
by Luis Yon 2 years 4 months
Schematic was wrong for sd card. Fixed the symbol and footprint for sd card. Motor driver layout needs serious work. Ignore second pcb file. That was just an experiment to see if I could improve the layout.
by rich27 2 years 6 months
Preliminary Layout has begun.
by rich27 2 years 7 months
Organized footprints for PCB Layout
by Luis Yon 2 years 7 months
Board updates
by Luis Yon 2 years 7 months
This is the first test of creating a branch and pushing to that branch.
by rich27 2 years 8 months
New schematics. Go to town on this.
by rich27 2 years 8 months
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