
## WEBENCH Design 6 Created at Mon Mar 21 12:17:26 CDT 2022 ********************************************************** ***************** Schematic Instructions **************** ********************************************************** To import your new Schematic into Altium: 1. Unzip the downloaded folder files to a local directory and Start the Altium program. 2. From the menu select "File"->"Open". 3. Select the file named in the path above ending with ".schdoc" and "Open" the file. 4. Your Schematic should be viewable within Altium now. For additional information, please visit this site: ********************************************************** ******************* LIB Instructions ******************* ********************************************************** To import your new LIBRARY PARTS into Altium follow these steps: 1. After running the Ultra Librarian export for the first time, you will need to copy the following files into an area where they can be accessed for all future translations. They are script files that Altium will need to be able to find. a. UL_Form.dfm b. UL_Form.pas c. UL_Import.pas d. UL_Import.prjScr 2. The above script file will need to be run from within Altium. This can be done by going to File, Open and selecting the UL_Import.PrjScr file stored above. 3. Select the "DXP" dropdown menu in the top-left corner runfrom the drop down menu and select "Run Script". Select "UL_Form.pas" and click "OK" 4. When the script is run, it will ask you for the file name of the Ultra Librarian file to run. Click "File...", select the latest file produced with a date code (for instance 2010-02-17_23-12-34.txt), and click "Start Import". 5. The script will open a new Integraged Library project and import the Ultra Librarian data into it. When complete a message box will pop up saying that import is done. For additional information, please visit this site: For a video tutorial, please visit:


Power Manager / Power Manager.kicad_sch
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