realize relays are wrong, add silkscreen names
by unknown 4 years 11 months
trying to figure out order of schematics
by unknown 5 years 2 weeks
Added harness detection, changed source of capacitors C1,2,3, and moved components to continue routing. Found that there are silk to solder clearance violations on the footpritns for many components.
by Wyatt Dvorak 5 years 2 months
update precharge schematics with components in official libraries
by unknown 5 years 3 months
merge changes to official libraries
by unknown 5 years 3 months
annotate changes
by unknown 5 years 3 months
fix fuse footprint, change out contactors to GV200, add connectors and screw terminals for control
by unknown 5 years 3 months
precharge updates
by Ryan Castle 5 years 3 months
fix compliation errors
by unknown 5 years 3 months
correct directives and net classes made
by unknown 5 years 4 months
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