
Gif Download Server

This is the server component that converts a gif to the binary 565 format that is best for the blocks.


You'll need Node.js and Yarn installed to run this locally. On macOS this might be something like:

# Install Node Version Manager brew install nvm

Don't forget to add the necessary things to your .zshrc/.bashrc for NVM that Homebrew tells you to!

Install Node

nvm install node

Install yarn

curl -o- -L | bash

Running locally

To run this locally, you can run the following.

yarn HTTP=1 yarn dev

Your server should now be availble at <![CDATA[]]>http://localhost:3000<![CDATA[]]>. Make sure to change the serverURL on the block (main.cpp:174) to point to your new server.


Left for reference, though you probably don't want to do this unless youre @magus.

# deploy a staging instance yarn deploy

deploy to production (

yarn deploy:prod


URL containing RGB565 for Block 3


Convert RGB565 to PNG with FFMPEG

ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565be -s 128x128 -i ~/Downloads/b3 -f image2 -vcodec png ~/Downloads/b3.png

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