bitsy0.3a: Changed C35 to be 100n decoupling cap.
by esden 4 years 8 months
Minor cleanups, finishing up for prototype order. This is the status from the ad hoc stream from Apr 4th 2020.
by esden 4 years 10 months
Some routing and silkscreen cleanup.
by esden 4 years 10 months
First routing pass finished. This is the status after the KiCad Let's Play stream from Apr 02nd 2020.
by esden 4 years 10 months
Updated the oscillator footprint and initial routing/cleanup work. This is the status after the KiCad Let's Play Twitch stream from Apr 01 2020.
by esden 4 years 10 months
Finished circuit changes todo items. * Replaced the VPP2V5 circuit with just a jumper. * Added missing 3d models to the footprints. * Replaced MEMS oscillator with a more common type. (might not be final) This is the work done during the KiCad Let's play stream on March 29th 2020.
by esden 4 years 11 months
Replaced/added the null logo to the boards.
by esden 4 years 11 months
Initial commit of icebitsy v0.3. This is the status after the last stream on March 26th 2020.
by esden 4 years 11 months
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