
Last update 4 years 2 months by j f
(export (version D) (design (source /home/jun/develop/biteng/rasp_uart_dongle/rasp_usb/rasp_usb.sch) (date "Mon Nov 23 13:19:28 2020") (tool "Eeschema 5.1.8") (sheet (number 1) (name /) (tstamps /) (title_block (title "RaspberryPI USB serial shield mini") (company BitEngineers) (rev) (date 2020-11-23) (source rasp_usb.sch) (comment (number 1) (value "")) (comment (number 2) (value "")) (comment (number 3) (value "")) (comment (number 4) (value ""))))) (components (comp (ref U2) (value FT230XQ) (footprint Package_DFN_QFN:QFN-16-1EP_4x4mm_P0.65mm_EP2.1x2.1mm) (datasheet (libsource (lib Interface_USB) (part FT230XQ) (description "Full Speed USB to Basic UART, QFN-16")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FBB244C)) (comp (ref R3) (value 27) (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FBB3FEC)) (comp (ref R4) (value 27) (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FBB47AB)) (comp (ref C6) (value 47p) (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FBC066D)) (comp (ref C4) (value 47p) (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FBC0A8F)) (comp (ref C7) (value 100n) (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FBD283F)) (comp (ref U1) (value AMS1117-5.0) (footprint Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-223-3_TabPin2) (datasheet (libsource (lib Regulator_Linear) (part AMS1117-5.0) (description "1A Low Dropout regulator, positive, 5.0V fixed output, SOT-223")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FBEA0EC)) (comp (ref J2) (value Conn_02x05_Odd_Even) (footprint Connector_PinSocket_2.54mm:PinSocket_2x05_P2.54mm_Vertical) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Connector_Generic) (part Conn_02x05_Odd_Even) (description "Generic connector, double row, 02x05, odd/even pin numbering scheme (row 1 odd numbers, row 2 even numbers), script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FBEC2E7)) (comp (ref C3) (value 4.7u) (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FC2C6D8)) (comp (ref C2) (value 100n) (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FC2CD99)) (comp (ref C1) (value 100n) (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FC31952)) (comp (ref FB1) (value Ferrite_Bead_Small) (footprint Inductor_SMD:L_0603_1608Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part Ferrite_Bead_Small) (description "Ferrite bead, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FC6360E)) (comp (ref D1) (value D_Small) (footprint Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part D_Small) (description "Diode, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FC65DF2)) (comp (ref C8) (value 100n) (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FC6F185)) (comp (ref C5) (value 100n) (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FC7397A)) (comp (ref D2) (value LED_Small) (footprint LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part LED_Small) (description "Light emitting diode, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FC800FD)) (comp (ref R5) (value 2.2k) (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FC852F8)) (comp (ref H1) (value MountingHole) (footprint MountingHole:MountingHole_2.7mm_M2.5) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Mechanical) (part MountingHole) (description "Mounting Hole without connection")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FCD5980)) (comp (ref J1) (value USB_B_Micro) (footprint Connector_USB:USB_Micro-B_Amphenol_10103594-0001LF_Horizontal) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Connector) (part USB_B_Micro) (description "USB Micro Type B connector")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FD1A450)) (comp (ref F1) (value 500mA) (footprint Fuse:Fuse_0603_1608Metric) (datasheet ~) (libsource (lib Device) (part Fuse_Small) (description "Fuse, small symbol")) (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) (tstamp 5FDC7B10))) (libparts (libpart (lib Connector) (part USB_B_Micro) (aliases (alias USB_B_Mini)) (description "USB Micro Type B connector") (docs ~) (footprints (fp USB*)) (fields (field (name Reference) J) (field (name Value) USB_B_Micro)) (pins (pin (num 1) (name VBUS) (type power_out)) (pin (num 2) (name D-) (type BiDi)) (pin (num 3) (name D+) (type BiDi)) (pin (num 4) (name ID) (type passive)) (pin (num 5) (name GND) (type power_out)) (pin (num 6) (name Shield) (type passive)))) (libpart (lib Connector_Generic) (part Conn_02x05_Odd_Even) (description "Generic connector, double row, 02x05, odd/even pin numbering scheme (row 1 odd numbers, row 2 even numbers), script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)") (docs ~) (footprints (fp Connector*:*_2x??_*)) (fields (field (name Reference) J) (field (name Value) Conn_02x05_Odd_Even)) (pins (pin (num 1) (name Pin_1) (type passive)) (pin (num 2) (name Pin_2) (type passive)) (pin (num 3) (name Pin_3) (type passive)) (pin (num 4) (name Pin_4) (type passive)) (pin (num 5) (name Pin_5) (type passive)) (pin (num 6) (name Pin_6) (type passive)) (pin (num 7) (name Pin_7) (type passive)) (pin (num 8) (name Pin_8) (type passive)) (pin (num 9) (name Pin_9) (type passive)) (pin (num 10) (name Pin_10) (type passive)))) (libpart (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol") (docs ~) (footprints (fp C_*)) (fields (field (name Reference) C) (field (name Value) C_Small)) (pins (pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive)) (pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive)))) (libpart (lib Device) (part D_Small) (description "Diode, small symbol") (docs ~) (footprints (fp TO-???*) (fp *_Diode_*) (fp *SingleDiode*) (fp D_*)) (fields (field (name Reference) D) (field (name Value) D_Small)) (pins (pin (num 1) (name K) (type passive)) (pin (num 2) (name A) (type passive)))) (libpart (lib Device) (part Ferrite_Bead_Small) (description "Ferrite bead, small symbol") (docs ~) (footprints (fp Inductor_*) (fp L_*) (fp *Ferrite*)) (fields (field (name Reference) FB) (field (name Value) Ferrite_Bead_Small)) (pins (pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive)) (pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive)))) (libpart (lib Device) (part Fuse_Small) (description "Fuse, small symbol") (docs ~) (footprints (fp SM*)) (fields (field (name Reference) F) (field (name Value) Fuse_Small)) (pins (pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive)) (pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive)))) (libpart (lib Device) (part LED_Small) (description "Light emitting diode, small symbol") (docs ~) (footprints (fp LED*) (fp LED_SMD:*) (fp LED_THT:*)) (fields (field (name Reference) D) (field (name Value) LED_Small)) (pins (pin (num 1) (name K) (type passive)) (pin (num 2) (name A) (type passive)))) (libpart (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol") (docs ~) (footprints (fp R_*)) (fields (field (name Reference) R) (field (name Value) R_Small)) (pins (pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive)) (pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive)))) (libpart (lib Interface_USB) (part FT230XQ) (description "Full Speed USB to Basic UART, QFN-16") (docs (footprints (fp QFN*1EP*4x4mm*P0.65mm*)) (fields (field (name Reference) U) (field (name Value) FT230XQ) (field (name Footprint) Package_DFN_QFN:QFN-16-1EP_4x4mm_P0.65mm_EP2.1x2.1mm)) (pins (pin (num 1) (name VCCIO) (type power_in)) (pin (num 2) (name RXD) (type input)) (pin (num 3) (name GND) (type power_in)) (pin (num 4) (name ~CTS) (type input)) (pin (num 5) (name CBUS2) (type BiDi)) (pin (num 6) (name USBDP) (type BiDi)) (pin (num 7) (name USBDM) (type BiDi)) (pin (num 8) (name 3V3OUT) (type power_out)) (pin (num 9) (name ~RESET) (type input)) (pin (num 10) (name VCC) (type power_in)) (pin (num 11) (name CBUS1) (type BiDi)) (pin (num 12) (name CBUS0) (type BiDi)) (pin (num 13) (name GND) (type power_in)) (pin (num 14) (name CBUS3) (type BiDi)) (pin (num 15) (name TXD) (type output)) (pin (num 16) (name ~RTS) (type output)) (pin (num 17) (name GND) (type power_in)))) (libpart (lib Mechanical) (part MountingHole) (description "Mounting Hole without connection") (docs ~) (footprints (fp MountingHole*)) (fields (field (name Reference) H) (field (name Value) MountingHole))) (libpart (lib Regulator_Linear) (part AP1117-15) (aliases (alias AP1117-18) (alias AP1117-25) (alias AP1117-33) (alias AP1117-50) (alias LD1117S33TR_SOT223) (alias LD1117S12TR_SOT223) (alias LD1117S18TR_SOT223) (alias LD1117S25TR_SOT223) (alias LD1117S50TR_SOT223) (alias NCP1117-12_SOT223) (alias NCP1117-1.5_SOT223) (alias NCP1117-1.8_SOT223) (alias NCP1117-2.0_SOT223) (alias NCP1117-2.5_SOT223) (alias NCP1117-2.85_SOT223) (alias NCP1117-3.3_SOT223) (alias NCP1117-5.0_SOT223) (alias AMS1117-1.5) (alias AMS1117-1.8) (alias AMS1117-2.5) (alias AMS1117-2.85) (alias AMS1117-3.3) (alias AMS1117-5.0)) (description "1A Low Dropout regulator, positive, 1.5V fixed output, SOT-223") (docs (footprints (fp SOT?223*TabPin2*)) (fields (field (name Reference) U) (field (name Value) AP1117-15) (field (name Footprint) Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-223-3_TabPin2)) (pins (pin (num 1) (name GND) (type power_in)) (pin (num 2) (name VO) (type power_out)) (pin (num 3) (name VI) (type power_in))))) (libraries (library (logical Connector) (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Connector.lib)) (library (logical Connector_Generic) (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Connector_Generic.lib)) (library (logical Device) (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Device.lib)) (library (logical Interface_USB) (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Interface_USB.lib)) (library (logical Mechanical) (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Mechanical.lib)) (library (logical Regulator_Linear) (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Regulator_Linear.lib))) (nets (net (code 1) (name +5V) (node (ref D2) (pin 2)) (node (ref C1) (pin 1)) (node (ref C2) (pin 1)) (node (ref C3) (pin 1)) (node (ref U2) (pin 10)) (node (ref C8) (pin 1)) (node (ref U1) (pin 2))) (net (code 2) (name GND) (node (ref C4) (pin 2)) (node (ref C6) (pin 2)) (node (ref U1) (pin 1)) (node (ref R5) (pin 2)) (node (ref J2) (pin 9)) (node (ref C7) (pin 2)) (node (ref J2) (pin 6)) (node (ref U2) (pin 17)) (node (ref U2) (pin 13)) (node (ref U2) (pin 3)) (node (ref C8) (pin 2)) (node (ref C5) (pin 2)) (node (ref J1) (pin 5)) (node (ref J1) (pin 6)) (node (ref C1) (pin 2)) (node (ref C2) (pin 2)) (node (ref C3) (pin 2))) (net (code 3) (name "Net-(D1-Pad2)") (node (ref FB1) (pin 1)) (node (ref D1) (pin 2))) (net (code 4) (name "Net-(D1-Pad1)") (node (ref F1) (pin 1)) (node (ref D1) (pin 1))) (net (code 5) (name "Net-(C5-Pad1)") (node (ref U1) (pin 3)) (node (ref C5) (pin 1)) (node (ref F1) (pin 2))) (net (code 6) (name "Net-(U2-Pad5)") (node (ref U2) (pin 5))) (net (code 7) (name "Net-(C7-Pad1)") (node (ref U2) (pin 8)) (node (ref U2) (pin 9)) (node (ref U2) (pin 1)) (node (ref C7) (pin 1))) (net (code 8) (name "Net-(U2-Pad12)") (node (ref U2) (pin 12))) (net (code 9) (name "Net-(U2-Pad11)") (node (ref U2) (pin 11))) (net (code 10) (name "Net-(U2-Pad14)") (node (ref U2) (pin 14))) (net (code 11) (name "Net-(U2-Pad4)") (node (ref U2) (pin 4))) (net (code 12) (name "Net-(U2-Pad16)") (node (ref U2) (pin 16))) (net (code 13) (name VBUS) (node (ref FB1) (pin 2)) (node (ref J1) (pin 1))) (net (code 14) (name USB_DM) (node (ref J1) (pin 2)) (node (ref R3) (pin 1)) (node (ref C6) (pin 1))) (net (code 15) (name USB_DP) (node (ref C4) (pin 1)) (node (ref J1) (pin 3)) (node (ref R4) (pin 1))) (net (code 16) (name "Net-(J1-Pad4)") (node (ref J1) (pin 4))) (net (code 17) (name "Net-(D2-Pad1)") (node (ref D2) (pin 1)) (node (ref R5) (pin 1))) (net (code 18) (name "Net-(R4-Pad2)") (node (ref U2) (pin 6)) (node (ref R4) (pin 2))) (net (code 19) (name "Net-(R3-Pad2)") (node (ref R3) (pin 2)) (node (ref U2) (pin 7))) (net (code 20) (name "Net-(J2-Pad5)") (node (ref J2) (pin 5))) (net (code 21) (name "Net-(J2-Pad7)") (node (ref J2) (pin 7))) (net (code 22) (name UART_TXD) (node (ref J2) (pin 8)) (node (ref U2) (pin 2))) (net (code 23) (name "Net-(J2-Pad3)") (node (ref J2) (pin 3))) (net (code 24) (name 3V3) (node (ref J2) (pin 1))) (net (code 25) (name UART_RXD) (node (ref J2) (pin 10)) (node (ref U2) (pin 15))) (net (code 26) (name 5V) (node (ref J2) (pin 4)) (node (ref J2) (pin 2)))))
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