Main Node: change caps to cut-tape packaging
by Nripesh Manandhar 4 years 4 months
Main Node: set up BOM fields for all components
by Nripesh Manandhar 4 years 4 months
Main Node: set up BOM fields for everything but R and C
by Nripesh Manandhar 4 years 4 months
Main Node: add VDDA and VSSA connections
by Nripesh Manandhar 4 years 4 months
Main Node: add VDDA and VSSA connections
by Nripesh Manandhar 4 years 4 months
Main Node: add InputProtectIso HB for pack voltage reading
by Nripesh Manandhar 4 years 4 months
Revert "Main Node: change input protection HB to have VDD and GND inputs"
by Nripesh Manandhar 4 years 4 months
Main Node: change input protection HB to have VDD and GND inputs
by Nripesh Manandhar 4 years 4 months
Main Node: edit StepDown HB to use 10 resistors
by Nripesh Manandhar 4 years 4 months
Main Node: import through hole caps to PCB
by Nripesh Manandhar 4 years 4 months
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