fix: disconnect MTR_GND (GND) and ECU_GND (GNDREF)
by Dipesh Manandhar 3 years 11 months
Change input schematics and add extra 'extra' pins
by colemanjenkins 4 years 1 week
Change back to digital pots and use 5V logic for i2c from MCU
by colemanjenkins 4 years 1 week
add 12V to 5V isolator
by Dipesh Manandhar 4 years 1 month
Swap out CAN communication with original
by colemanjenkins 4 years 1 month
Fix grounds, now need to provide isolated 5V for mtr ctrl CAN
by colemanjenkins 4 years 1 month
consolidate motor libs
by Dipesh Manandhar 4 years 1 month
Run ERC, debug, pick NMOS footprint, generate netlist
by colemanjenkins 4 years 2 months
Update template sheets and connect JTDI
by colemanjenkins 4 years 2 months
Update sheets to implement digital pots once we find voltage level solution
by colemanjenkins 4 years 2 months
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