
#ifndef DEBUG_H #define DEBUG_H #include <string.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <typeinfo> #include <mutex> #include <tuple> #include <pthread.h> #include <cxxabi.h> #include <chrono> #include <map> #ifdef TARGET_OS_IPHONE #define _Debug_Color( color ) "" #else #define _Debug_Color( color ) color #endif class Debug { public: typedef enum { Error = 0, Warning, Info, Verbose, Trace } Level; Debug( Level level = Verbose, bool nobreak = false ) : mLevel( level ), mNoBreak( nobreak ) { } ~Debug() { if ( mLevel <= mDebugLevel ) { if ( not mNoBreak ) { mStream << "\n"; } log( mLevel, mStream.str() ); } } template<typename T> Debug& operator+( T t ) { if ( mLevel <= mDebugLevel ) { mStream << t; } return *this; } template<typename T> Debug& operator<<( T t ) { if ( mLevel <= mDebugLevel ) { char* type = abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(t).name(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); char cap = 0; std::string color = _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m"); if ( strstr( type, "basic_string" ) ) { cap = '\"'; color = _Debug_Color("\x1B[31m"); } else if ( !strcmp( type, "char" ) ) { cap = '\''; color = _Debug_Color("\x1B[31m"); } std::stringstream arg_ss; arg_ss << t; if ( arg_ss.str()[0] >= '0' && arg_ss.str()[0] <= '9' ) { color = _Debug_Color("\x1B[36m"); } std::stringstream ss; ss << color; if ( cap ) ss << cap; ss << arg_ss.str(); if ( cap ) ss << cap; ss << _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m"); mStream << ss.str(); free(type); } return *this; } Debug& operator<<(std::ostream& (*manip)(std::ostream&)) { (*manip)(mStream); return *this; } /* template<typename T> Debug& operator<<( uint32_t t ) { if ( mLevel <= mDebugLevel ) { mStream << _Debug_Color("\x1B[36m") << t << _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m"); } return *this; } template<typename T> Debug& operator<<( uint64_t t ) { if ( mLevel <= mDebugLevel ) { mStream << _Debug_Color("\x1B[36m") << t << _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m"); } return *this; } template<typename T> Debug& operator<<( const char t ) { if ( mLevel <= mDebugLevel ) { mStream << "'" << _Debug_Color("\x1B[31m") << t << _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m") << "'"; } return *this; } template<typename T> Debug& operator<<( const std::string& t ) { if ( mLevel <= mDebugLevel ) { mStream << "\"" << _Debug_Color("\x1B[31m") << t << _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m") << "\""; } return *this; } template<typename T> Debug& operator<<( const char* t ) { if ( mLevel <= mDebugLevel ) { mStream << "\"" << _Debug_Color("\x1B[31m") << t << _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m") << "\""; } return *this; } */ template<typename... Args> void fDebug_top( const Args&... args ); template<typename... Args> void fDebug_top2( const char* end, const Args&... args ); static void StoreLog( bool st = false ) { mStoreLog = st; } static const std::string& DumpLog() { return mLog; } static void setDebugLevel( Level lvl ) { mDebugLevel = lvl; } static void setVerbose( bool en ) { if ( en ) mDebugLevel = Verbose; } static void setLogFile( const std::string& filename ) { mLogFile = std::ofstream(filename); } static bool verbose() { return ( mDebugLevel >= Verbose ); } static bool trace() { return ( mDebugLevel >= Trace ); } static pthread_t mMainThread; static uint64_t GetTickMicros() { #ifdef WIN32 return timeGetTime(); #elif __APPLE__ struct timeval cTime; gettimeofday( &cTime, 0 ); return ( cTime.tv_sec * 1000000 ) + cTime.tv_usec; #else struct timespec now; clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now ); return now.tv_sec * 1000000 + now.tv_nsec / 1000; #endif } private: static void log( int level, const std::string& s ); static bool mStoreLog; static std::string mLog; static std::mutex mLogMutex; static std::ofstream mLogFile; static Level mDebugLevel; std::stringstream mStream; Level mLevel; bool mNoBreak; }; #ifndef __DBG_CLASS static inline std::string _dbg_className(const std::string& prettyFunction) { size_t parenthesis = prettyFunction.find("("); size_t colons = prettyFunction.substr( 0, parenthesis ).rfind("::"); // if ( prettyFunction.find( "GE::" ) ) { // colons += 2 + prettyFunction.substr(colons + 2).find( "::" ); // } if (colons == std::string::npos) return "<none>"; size_t begin = prettyFunction.substr(0,colons).rfind(" ") + 1; size_t end = colons - begin; return _Debug_Color("\x1B[32m") + prettyFunction.substr(begin,end) + _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m"); } // using namespace GE; #pragma GCC system_header // HACK Disable unused-function warnings static std::string self_thread() { if ( Debug::mMainThread == 0 ) { Debug::mMainThread = pthread_self(); } std::stringstream ret; pthread_t thid = pthread_self(); char name[64] = ""; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_GETNAME_NP pthread_getname_np( thid, name, sizeof(name) ); #endif ret << _Debug_Color("\x1B[33m"); if ( Debug::mMainThread == thid ) { ret << "[MainThread] "; } else if ( name[0] != 0 ) { ret << "[" << name << "] "; } else { ret << "[0x" << std::hex << thid << std::dec << "] "; } ret << _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m"); return ret.str(); } #pragma GCC system_header // HACK Disable unused-function warnings static std::string _debug_date() { #ifdef ANDROID return std::string(); #endif typedef std::chrono::system_clock Clock; auto now = Clock::now(); auto seconds = std::chrono::time_point_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(now); auto fraction = now - seconds; time_t cnow = Clock::to_time_t(now); auto milliseconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(fraction); time_t rawtime; struct tm* timeinfo; char buffer[64]; time( &rawtime ); timeinfo = localtime( &rawtime ); strftime( buffer, 63, "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeinfo ); sprintf( buffer, "%s:%03d] ", buffer, milliseconds.count() ); return buffer; } #define __CLASS_NAME__ _dbg_className(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) // #define __CLASS_NAME__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ #define __FUNCTION_NAME__ ( std::string(_Debug_Color("\x1B[94m")) + __FUNCTION__ + _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m") ) #pragma GCC system_header // HACK Disable unused-function warnings static void fDebug_base( Debug& dbg, const char* end, bool f ) { dbg << " " << end; } static std::string _debug_level( Debug::Level level ) { const static std::map< Debug::Level, std::string > levels = { { Debug::Error, std::string(_Debug_Color("\x1B[1;41m")) + "ERROR" + _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m") }, { Debug::Warning, std::string(_Debug_Color("\x1B[1;41;93m")) + "WARNING" + _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m") }, { Debug::Info, std::string(_Debug_Color("\x1B[1;42m")) + "INFO" + _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m") }, { Debug::Verbose, std::string(_Debug_Color("\x1B[1;100m")) + "VERBOSE" + _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m") }, { Debug::Trace, std::string(_Debug_Color("\x1B[1;100;32m")) + "TRACE" + _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m") } }; if ( not Debug::trace() and level == Debug::Verbose ) { return ""; } if ( not Debug::verbose() and level == Debug::Info ) { return ""; } return level ) + " "; } template<typename Arg1, typename... Args> static void fDebug_base( Debug& dbg, const char* end, bool first, const Arg1& arg1, const Args&... args ) { char* type = abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(arg1).name(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); char cap = 0; std::string color = _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m"); if ( strstr( type, "char" ) ) { if ( strstr( type, "*" ) || ( strstr( type, "[" ) && strstr( type, "]" ) ) || strstr( type, "string" ) ) { cap = '\"'; color = _Debug_Color("\x1B[31m"); } else { cap = '\''; color = _Debug_Color("\x1B[31m"); } } free(type); std::stringstream arg_ss; arg_ss << arg1; std::string arg_ss_str = arg_ss.str(); if ( arg_ss_str.length() > 0 && arg_ss_str[0] >= '0' && arg_ss_str[0] <= '9' ) { color = _Debug_Color("\x1B[36m"); } if (!first ) { dbg << ", "; } std::stringstream ss; ss << color; if ( cap ) ss << cap; ss << arg_ss_str; if ( cap ) ss << cap; ss << _Debug_Color("\x1B[0m"); dbg + ss.str(); fDebug_base( dbg, end, false, args... ); } #define _NUMARGS(...) std::tuple_size<decltype(std::make_tuple(__VA_ARGS__))>::value #pragma GCC system_header // HACK Disable unused-function warnings template<typename... Args> void Debug::fDebug_top( const Args&... args ) { if ( sizeof...(args) == 0 ) { operator+( ")" ); } else { operator+( " " ); fDebug_base( *this, ")", true, args... ); } } #pragma GCC system_header // HACK Disable unused-function warnings template<typename... Args> void Debug::fDebug_top2( const char* end, const Args&... args ) { if ( sizeof...(args) == 0 ) { operator+( end ); } else { operator+( " " ); fDebug_base( *this, end, true, args... ); } } #define gTrace() Debug(Debug::Trace) + _debug_date() + self_thread() + _debug_level(Debug::Trace) + __CLASS_NAME__ + "::" + __FUNCTION_NAME__ + "() " #define gDebug() Debug(Debug::Verbose) + _debug_date() + self_thread() + _debug_level(Debug::Verbose) + __CLASS_NAME__ + "::" + __FUNCTION_NAME__ + "() " #define gInfo() Debug(Debug::Info) + _debug_date() + self_thread() + _debug_level(Debug::Info) + __CLASS_NAME__ + "::" + __FUNCTION_NAME__ + "() " #define gWarning() Debug(Debug::Warning) + _debug_date() + self_thread() + _debug_level(Debug::Warning) + " " + __CLASS_NAME__ + "::" + __FUNCTION_NAME__ + "() " #define gError() Debug(Debug::Error) + _debug_date() + self_thread() + _debug_level(Debug::Error) + " " + __CLASS_NAME__ + "::" + __FUNCTION_NAME__ + "() " #define fTrace( ... ) { Debug dbg(Debug::Trace);dbg + _debug_date() + self_thread() + _debug_level(Debug::Trace) + __CLASS_NAME__ + "::" + __FUNCTION_NAME__ + "("; dbg.fDebug_top( __VA_ARGS__ ); } #define fDebug( ... ) { Debug dbg;dbg + _debug_date() + self_thread() + _debug_level(Debug::Verbose) + __CLASS_NAME__ + "::" + __FUNCTION_NAME__ + "("; dbg.fDebug_top( __VA_ARGS__ ); } #define aDebug( name, ... ) { Debug dbg;dbg + _debug_date() + self_thread() + __CLASS_NAME__ + "::" + __FUNCTION_NAME__ + " " + name + " = { "; dbg.fDebug_top2( "}", __VA_ARGS__ ); } #define vDebug( name, ... ) Debug dbg;dbg + _debug_date() + self_thread() + __CLASS_NAME__ + "::" + __FUNCTION_NAME__ + " " + name + "{ "; dbg.fDebug_top2( "} ", __VA_ARGS__ ); dbg + "" #endif // __DBG_CLASS #endif // DEBUG_H
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