add STM32G474CET6 to BOM
by Dipesh Manandhar 4 years 3 days
add ferrite bead schematic symbol to Template library
by Dipesh Manandhar 4 years 5 days
shorten MCU component description
by Dipesh Manandhar 4 years 1 week
add resistors to BOM
by Dipesh Manandhar 4 years 1 week
add resistor network to BOM
by Dipesh Manandhar 4 years 1 week
add all inductors to BOM
by Dipesh Manandhar 4 years 1 week
add all capacitors to BOM
by Dipesh Manandhar 4 years 1 week
set up BOM columns
by Dipesh Manandhar 4 years 1 week
annotate all shematics
by Dipesh Manandhar 4 years 1 week
fix broken library references in schematic
by Nripesh Manandhar 4 years 1 month
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