
Last update 4 years 11 months by Montserrat Figueroa

Bast BLE

Bast BLE is all the best in the world format Feather and BLE with a Nordic NRF!, Feather pin to pin compatible with a USB port type C.

Bast-BLE is supported in the Arduino development environment and Circuit Python coming soon

We love all our Feathers equally, but this Feather is very special. It's our first Feather that is specifically designed for use with CircuitPython! CircuitPython is our beginner-oriented flavor of MicroPython - and as the name hints at, its a small but full-featured version of the popular Python programming language specifically for use with circuitry and electronics.

Please note, CircuitPython does not come preloaded. See the full guide linked below for instructions on installing it

Lipoly battery and USB cable not included (but we do have lots of options in the shop if you'd like!)

License Electronic Cats invests time and resources providing this open source design, please support Electronic Cats and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Electronic Cats!

Designed by Electronic Cats.

Firmware released under an GNU AGPL v3.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.

Hardware released under an CERN Open Hardware Licence v1.2. See the LICENSE_HARDWARE file for more information.

Electronic Cats is a registered trademark, please do not use if you sell these PCBs.

January 2020

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