Remove CDC TX/IN ep callback logic, simplify CDC handlers
Jaroslav Malec
4 years 8 months
- change pinout of ESP and STM
- change pinout of UIboard connector
- add support for ESP debugging over JTAG through STM
- add USB cable insertion detection
- add 1k5 pull resistor to USB D+
- add USB_C
- add MPU-6050
- add step-down for intelligent leds
- add ESP reset button
- add test points
- replace expander connector by pinheads
- connect I2C display
- connect intelligent servos to STM, instead of ESP
- fix AMS1117 4th pin connection
- move some connectors
- renumber schematic
- reorder sheets
Kuba Streit
4 years 8 months
MainBoardBRD: routing power - +5V, +3V3_ESP, +3V3_STM, DRV8833
- change DRC - `robotikabrno-4-layers.dru`
Jaroslav Páral
4 years 8 months