hw: fix encoders pull-up resistors value
by Kuba Streit 3 years 6 months
hw: add D1 attributes
by Kuba Streit 3 years 6 months
hw: fix D1 symbol
by Kuba Streit 3 years 6 months
hw: add assembly variants
by Kuba Streit 3 years 6 months
hw: fix tNames
by Kuba Streit 3 years 6 months
hw: add pull-up resistors to encoders
by Kuba Streit 3 years 6 months
hw: add buttons value
by Kuba Streit 3 years 6 months
hw: fix USB-C CC pin pull-down resistors value.
by Kuba Streit 3 years 6 months
hw: fix jst connectors drill (motor connectors) and pad size (iServo connectors), move bottom pinheads to left to make enough space for iServo connectors
by Kuba Streit 3 years 7 months
hw: disconnect 3V3_EN and D11 (this connection prevents main step-down IM1 from startup)
by Kuba Streit 3 years 7 months
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