hw: change version from `v1.0` to `v1.1`
by Jaroslav Páral 4 years 9 months
hwBRD: move to text in top silkscreen
by Jaroslav Páral 4 years 10 months
hwBRD: Fix R47 misplacement
by Kuba Streit 4 years 10 months
hwBRD: Fix SPI_SS3 and IN3 overlap
by Kuba Streit 4 years 10 months
hwBRD: Fix power MOSFETs orientation
by Kuba Streit 4 years 10 months
hwBRD: Improve silkscreen - silkscreen: fix motors JST connectors VCC/GND, update communication connectors - modify silkscreen of ESP32-DEVKITC in library `esp32.lbr`
by Jaroslav Páral 4 years 10 months
MainBoard: Swap encoders power polarity
by Kuba Streit 4 years 10 months
MainBoardBRD: Remove SolderPaste from jumpers
by Kuba Streit 4 years 10 months
MainBoard: Swap PWM3A and PWM3B to maintain consistency
by Kuba Streit 4 years 10 months
MainBoardBRD: Rotate some packages in libraries to match JLCPCB orientation
by Kuba Streit 4 years 10 months
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