hw: add two small areas of unmasked GND plane for oscilloscope clip
Kuba Streit
4 years 5 months
hw: fix jst connectors drill (motor connectors) and pad size (iServo connectors), move bottom pinheads to left to make enough space for iServo connectors
Kuba Streit
4 years 5 months
hw: disconnect 3V3_EN and D11 (this connection prevents main step-down IM1 from startup)
Kuba Streit
4 years 5 months
hw: change resistors R20 - R23 valu to 2k2 (VUSB and ESP_+5V power LED resistors)
Kuba Streit
4 years 5 months
hw: change size of holes for USBC connector
- library `USB.lbr`
- footprint `USB_C_8PIN` - change holes size from 0.35 mm to 0.30 mm to fit JLCPCB requirements
Jaroslav Páral
4 years 8 months