
outputs: - name: 'blender_3d_common' comment: 'Common settings for all blender ops' type: 'blender_export' dir: 'Artifacts/BlenderRender' options: # [boolean=true] Add a default light when none specified. # The default light is located at (-size*3.33, size*3.33, size*5) where size is max(width, height) of the PCB add_default_light: true # [number=1.1] Value to multiply the Z axis coordinate after computing the automatically generated camera. # Used to avoid collision of the camera and the object auto_camera_z_axis_factor: .85 # # [dict] Options for the camera. # # If none specified KiBot will create a suitable camera. # # If no position is specified for the camera KiBot will look for a suitable position # camera: # # [number=-1] Minimum distance for objects to the camera. Any object closer than this distance won't be visible. # # Only positive values have effect. A negative value has a special meaning. # # For a camera with defined position, a negative value means to use Blender defaults (i.e. 0.1 m). # # For cameras without position KiBot will ask Blender to compute its position and the use a clip # # distance that is 1/10th of the Z distance # clip_start: -1 # # [string=''] Name for the camera # name: '' # # [number|string] X position [m]. You can use `width`, `height` and `size` for PCB dimensions # pos_x: 0 # # [number|string] Y position [m]. You can use `width`, `height` and `size` for PCB dimensions # pos_y: 0 # # [number|string] Z position [m]. You can use `width`, `height` and `size` for PCB dimensions # pos_z: 0 # # [string='perspective'] [perspective,orthographic,panoramic] Type of camera # type: 'perspective' # # [string=''] Default value for the `file_id` in the `point_of_view` options. # # Use something like '_%03d' for animations default_file_id: '' # [boolean=false] When using the automatically generated camera and multiple points of view this option computes the camera # position just once. Suitable for videos fixed_auto_camera: false # [dict|list(dict)] Options for the light/s # light: # # [number=0] How powerful is the light. Using 0 for POINT and SUN KiBot will try to use something useful # - energy: 0 # # [string=''] Name for the light # name: 'ALight' # # [number|string] X position [m]. You can use `width`, `height` and `size` for PCB dimensions # pos_x: 0 # # [number|string] Y position [m]. You can use `width`, `height` and `size` for PCB dimensions # pos_y: 0 # # [number|string] Z position [m]. You can use `width`, `height` and `size` for PCB dimensions # pos_z: .4 # # [string='POINT'] [POINT,SUN,SPOT,HEMI,AREA] Type of light. SUN lights will illuminate more evenly # type: 'POINT' # [dict|list(dict)] Outputs to generate in the same run # outputs: # [string='%f-%i%I%v.%x'] Name for the generated file (%i='3D_blender_$VIEW' %x=VARIABLE). # The extension is selected from the type. Affected by global options # - output: '%f-%I%vTop_Slanted.%x' # # [string='render'] [fbx,obj,x3d,gltf,stl,ply,blender,render] The format for the output. # # The `render` type will generate a PNG image of the render result. # # `fbx` is Kaydara's Filmbox, 'obj' is the Wavefront, 'x3d' is the new ISO/IEC standard # # that replaced VRML, `gltf` is the standardized GL format, `stl` is the 3D printing # # format, 'ply' is Polygon File Format (Stanford). # # Note that some formats includes the light and camera and others are just the 3D model # # (i.e. STL and PLY) # type: 'render' # # - output: '%f-%i%I%v.%x' # # type: 'blender' # # [string|dict] Options to export the PCB to Blender. # # You can also specify the name of the output that generates the PCB3D file. # # See the `PCB2Blender_2_1` and `PCB2Blender_2_1_haschtl` templates # pcb3d: # # [string|list(string)='_none'] Name of the filter to mark components as not fitted. # # A short-cut to use for simple cases where a variant is an overkill # dnf_filter: '_none' # # [boolean=true] Downloads missing 3D models from KiCad git. # # Only applies to models in KISYS3DMOD and KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR. # # They are downloaded to a temporal directory and discarded. # # If you want to cache the downloaded files specify a directory using the # # KIBOT_3D_MODELS environment variable # download: true # # [boolean=true] In addition to try to download the 3D models from KiCad git also try to get # # them from LCSC database. In order to work you'll need to provide the LCSC # # part number. The field containing the LCSC part number is defined by the # # `field_lcsc_part` global variable # download_lcsc: true # # [list(string)=[]] List of components to highlight # highlight: [] # # [boolean=false] Highlight over the component (not under) # highlight_on_top: false # # [number=1.5] [0,1000] How much the highlight extends around the component [mm] # highlight_padding: 1.5 # # [string=''] Base URL for the KiCad 3D models # kicad_3d_url: '' # # [string=''] Text added to the end of the download URL. # # Can be used to pass variables to the GET request, i.e. ?VAR1=VAL1&VAR2=VAL2 # kicad_3d_url_suffix: '' # # [boolean=false] Used to exclude 3D models for components with 'virtual' attribute # no_virtual: false # # [string='%f-%i%I%v.%x'] Name for the generated PCB3D file (%i='blender_export' %x='pcb3d'). Affected by global options # output: '%f-%i%I%v.%x' # # [string|list(string)='_none'] Name of the filter to transform fields before applying other filters. # # A short-cut to use for simple cases where a variant is an overkill # pre_transform: '_none' # # [list(string)|string=all] [none,all] List of components to draw, can be also a string for `none` or `all`. # # Unlike the `pcbdraw` output, the default is `all` # show_components: all # # [boolean=true] Add solder paste only for the populated components. # # Populated components are the ones listed in `show_components` # solder_paste_for_populated: true # # [string=''] Board variant to apply # variant: '' # # [string='2.7'] [2.1,2.1_haschtl,2.7] Variant of the format used # version: '2.7' # Options to configure how Blender imports the PCB. # The default values are good for most cases # pcb_import: # # [boolean=true] Center the PCB at the coordinates origin # center: true # # [boolean=true] Import the components # # components: true # # [boolean=true] Separate the sub-PCBs in separated 3D models # cut_boards: true # # [boolean=true] Create good looking materials # enhance_materials: true # # [boolean=true] Reuse materials # merge_materials: true # # [string='SMART'] [NONE,SMART,ALL] The plug-in can add nice looking solder joints. # # This option controls if we add it for none, all or only for THT/SMD pads with solder paste # solder_joints: 'SMART' # # [boolean=true] Move the sub-PCBs to their relative position # stack_boards: true # # [number=1016.0] [508-2032] Texture density in dots per inch # texture_dpi: 1016.0 # [dict|list(dict)] How the object is viewed by the camera # point_of_view: # # [string=''] String to diferentiate the name of this point of view. # # When empty we use the `default_file_id` or the `view` # - file_id: 'TopSlanted' # # [number=0] Angle to rotate the board in the X axis, positive is clockwise [degrees] # rotate_x: 30 # # [number=0] Angle to rotate the board in the Y axis, positive is clockwise [degrees] # rotate_y: 0 # # [number=0] Angle to rotate the board in the Z axis, positive is clockwise [degrees] # rotate_z: -20 # # [number=1] [1-1000] Generate this amount of steps using the rotation angles as increments. # # Use a value of 1 (default) to interpret the angles as absolute. # # Used for animations. You should define the `default_file_id` to something like # # '_%03d' to get the animation frames # steps: 1 # # [string='top'] [top,bottom,front,rear,right,left,z,Z,y,Y,x,X] Point of view. # # Compatible with `render_3d` # view: top # [dict] Controls how the render is done for the `render` output type render_options: # [boolean=false] When enabled the image will be post-processed to remove the empty space around the image. # In this mode the `background2` is changed to be the same as `background1` auto_crop: false # [string='#66667F'] First color for the background gradient background1: '#505050' # [string='#CCCCE5'] Second color for the background gradient background2: '#FFFFFF' # `height` is an alias for `resolution_y` # [number=1280] Width of the image resolution_x: 720 # [number=720] Height of the image resolution_y: 720 # [number=10] How many samples we create. Each sample is a raytracing render. # Use 1 for a raw preview, 10 for a draft and 100 or more for the final render samples: 20 # [boolean=false] Make the background transparent transparent_background: false # `width` is an alias for `resolution_x` - name: 'blender_Render_top_slanted' comment: 'Renders the board from the top, slightly slanted.' type: 'blender_export' dir: 'Artifacts/BlenderRender' extends: 'blender_3d_common' options: outputs: # [string='%f-%i%I%v.%x'] Name for the generated PCB3D file (%i='blender_export' %x='pcb3d'). Affected by global options # %f: board/sch name -> Snowflake # %i:'3D_blender_$VIEW' # %I: an ID defined by the user for this output (value 'output_id') # %v: the file_id of the current variant, or the global variant if outside a variant scope # %x: extension - output: '%f-%i%I%v.%x' type: 'render' - output: '%f-%i%I%v.%x' type: 'blender' point_of_view: # [string=''] String to diferentiate the name of this point of view. # When empty we use the `default_file_id` or the `view` - file_id: 'TopSlanted' # [number=0] Angle to rotate the board in the X axis, positive is clockwise [degrees] rotate_x: 30 # [number=0] Angle to rotate the board in the Y axis, positive is clockwise [degrees] rotate_y: 0 # [number=0] Angle to rotate the board in the Z axis, positive is clockwise [degrees] rotate_z: -20 # [number=1] [1-1000] Generate this amount of steps using the rotation angles as increments. # Use a value of 1 (default) to interpret the angles as absolute. # Used for animations. You should define the `default_file_id` to something like # '_%03d' to get the animation frames # steps: 1 # [string='top'] [top,bottom,front,rear,right,left,z,Z,y,Y,x,X] Point of view. # Compatible with `render_3d` view: top - name: 'blender_Render_Top' comment: 'Renders the board from the top' type: 'blender_export' dir: 'Artifacts/BlenderRender' extends: 'blender_3d_common' options: outputs: - output: '%f-%i%I%v.%x' type: 'render' point_of_view: # 'blender_3d_top_flat' - file_id: 'Top' view: top - name: 'blender_Render_Bottom_Slanted' comment: 'Renders the board from the bottom, slightly slanted' type: 'blender_export' dir: 'Artifacts/BlenderRender' extends: 'blender_3d_common' options: outputs: - output: '%f-%i%I%v.%x' type: 'render' point_of_view: # 'blender_3d_bottom_slanted' - file_id: 'BottomSlanted' rotate_x: -30 rotate_y: 0 rotate_z: -20 view: bottom - name: 'blender_Render_Bottom' comment: 'Renders the board from the bottom' type: 'blender_export' dir: 'Artifacts/BlenderRender' extends: 'blender_3d_common' options: outputs: - output: '%f-%i%I%v.%x' type: 'render' point_of_view: # 'blender_3d_bottom_flat' - file_id: 'Bottom' view: bottom # Exports a PCB3D object. I don't think this is needed # - name: 'blender_Board' # comment: 'Exports the board as a PCB3D object' # type: 'blender_export' # dir: 'Artifacts/BlenderRender' # extends: 'blender_3d_common' # options: # pcb3d: # # [string|list(string)='_none'] Name of the filter to mark components as not fitted. # # A short-cut to use for simple cases where a variant is an overkill # dnf_filter: '_none' # # [boolean=true] Downloads missing 3D models from KiCad git. # # Only applies to models in KISYS3DMOD and KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR. # # They are downloaded to a temporal directory and discarded. # # If you want to cache the downloaded files specify a directory using the # # KIBOT_3D_MODELS environment variable # download: true # # [boolean=true] In addition to try to download the 3D models from KiCad git also try to get # # them from LCSC database. In order to work you'll need to provide the LCSC # # part number. The field containing the LCSC part number is defined by the # # `field_lcsc_part` global variable # download_lcsc: true # # [list(string)=[]] List of components to highlight # highlight: ['D1'] # # [boolean=false] Highlight over the component (not under) # highlight_on_top: true # # [number=1.5] [0,1000] How much the highlight extends around the component [mm] # highlight_padding: 20 # # [string=''] Base URL for the KiCad 3D models # kicad_3d_url: '' # # [string=''] Text added to the end of the download URL. # # Can be used to pass variables to the GET request, i.e. ?VAR1=VAL1&VAR2=VAL2 # kicad_3d_url_suffix: '' # # [boolean=false] Used to exclude 3D models for components with 'virtual' attribute # no_virtual: false # # [string='%f-%i%I%v.%x'] Name for the generated PCB3D file (%i='blender_export' %x='pcb3d'). Affected by global options # output: '%f-%i%I%v.%x' # # [string|list(string)='_none'] Name of the filter to transform fields before applying other filters. # # A short-cut to use for simple cases where a variant is an overkill # pre_transform: '_none' # # [list(string)|string=all] [none,all] List of components to draw, can be also a string for `none` or `all`. # # Unlike the `pcbdraw` output, the default is `all` # show_components: all # # [boolean=true] Add solder paste only for the populated components. # # Populated components are the ones listed in `show_components` # solder_paste_for_populated: true # # [string=''] Board variant to apply # variant: '' # # [string='2.1'] [2.1,2.1_haschtl] Variant of the format used # version: '2.7' # I don't think this is needed to get the renders either # # PCB2Blender Tools: # # Blender is the most important free software 3D render package. # # This output needs KiCad 6 or newer. # # The PCB3D file format is used by the PCB2Blender project ( # # to import KiCad PCBs in Blender. # # You need to install a Blender plug-in to load PCB3D files. # # The tools in this output are used by internal templates used to generate PCB3D files. # - name: 'pcb2blender_tools_example' # comment: 'A bunch of tools used to generate PCB3D files used to export PCBs to Blender.' # type: 'pcb2blender_tools' # dir: 'Artifacts/BlenderRender/pcb2blender_tools_dir' # options: # # [boolean=true] Create the file that informs the size of the used PCB area. # # This is the bounding box reported by KiCad for the PCB edge with 1 mm of margin # board_bounds_create: true # # [string='layers'] Sub-directory where the bounds file is stored # board_bounds_dir: 'layers' # # [string='bounds'] Name of the bounds file # board_bounds_file: 'bounds' # # [string|list(string)='_none'] Name of the filter to mark components as not fitted. # # A short-cut to use for simple cases where a variant is an overkill # dnf_filter: '_none' # # [string='%f-%i%I%v.%x'] Filename for the output (%i=pcb2blender, %x=pcb3d). Affected by global options # output: '%f-%i%I%v.%x' # # [boolean=true] Create the files containing the PCB pads information # pads_info_create: true # # [string='pads'] Sub-directory where the pads info files are stored # pads_info_dir: 'pads' # # [string|list(string)='_none'] Name of the filter to transform fields before applying other filters. # # A short-cut to use for simple cases where a variant is an overkill # pre_transform: '_none' # # [list(string)|string=all] [none,all] List of components to include in the pads list, # # can be also a string for `none` or `all`. The default is `all` # show_components: all # # [boolean=false] Create a file containing the board stackup # stackup_create: false # # [string='.'] Directory for the stackup file. Use 'layers' for 2.7+ # stackup_dir: '.' # # [string='board.yaml'] Name for the stackup file. Use 'stackup' for 2.7+ # stackup_file: 'board.yaml' # # [string='JSON'] [JSON,BIN] Format for the stackup file. Use 'BIN' for 2.7+ # stackup_format: 'JSON' # # [string='bounds'] File name for the sub-PCBs bounds # sub_boards_bounds_file: 'bounds' # # [boolean=true] Extract sub-PCBs and their Z axis position # sub_boards_create: true # # [string='boards'] Directory for the boards definitions # sub_boards_dir: 'boards' # # [string='stacked_'] Prefix used for the stack files # sub_boards_stacked_prefix: 'stacked_' # # [string=''] Board variant to apply # variant: ''
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