Cleaning here and there
by Joel Santos 4 years 3 months
Put everything on a single library, and the 3D models are now relative to the project path
by Joel Santos 4 years 3 months
Changed the transistor footprint to a SOT23 as it was very tricky to solder.
by Joel Santos 4 years 3 months
Removed the Jumpers as they are not needed
by Joel Santos 4 years 3 months
Made tracks thicker, as they are easier to rip when overheat than I thought they would be
by Joel Santos 4 years 3 months
Better assembly drawings
by Joel Santos 4 years 7 months
v1.0 - Manufactured for the lunch and learn
by Joel Santos 4 years 7 months
Removed border plating and exposed border Sadly, it increased the cost x3!
by Joel Santos 4 years 8 months
Tweaked a couple of things on the PCB as the exposed copper on the edge of the PCB could make soldering a tad difficult
by Joel Santos 4 years 8 months
Added an exposed outline around the board (and extended the copper plane to the PCB edge) to try to get the side plated too. Changed the Silk and Soldermask parts for this change, and also corrected a small misalignment in a couple of places in the silk/mask
by Joel Santos 4 years 8 months
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