
/* * SSD1306xLED - Drivers for SSD1306 controlled dot matrix OLED/PLED 128x64 displays * * @created: 2014-08-08 * @author: Neven Boyanov * * Copyright (c) 2016 Neven Boyanov, Tinusaur Team. All Rights Reserved. * Distributed as open source software under MIT License, see LICENSE.txt file. * Please, as a favor, retain the link to The Tinusaur Project. * * Source code available at: * */ // ============================================================================ //#define F_CPU 1000000UL #include <stdint.h> #include <avr/io.h> #include <util/delay.h> // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------- // Vcc, Pin 1 on SSD1306 Board // --------------------- // GND, Pin 2 on SSD1306 Board #define SSD1306_SCL PB0 // SCL, Pin 3 on SSD1306 Board #define SSD1306_SDA PB1 // SDA, Pin 4 on SSD1306 Board #define SSD1306_SA 0x78 // Slave address // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "../ssd1306xled/ssd1306xled.h" // ============================================================================ #include "../ssd1306xled_cn/font1616cn.h" // ============================================================================ int main(void) { // ---- Initialization ---- // Small delay is necessary if ssd1306_initis the first operation in the application. _delay_ms(40); ssd1306_init(); // ---- Main Loop ---- for (;;) { uint8_t p = 0xff; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { p = (p >> i); ssd1306_fillscreen(~p); _delay_ms(100); } ssd1306_fillscreen(0x00); ssd1306_char_f16x16(0,5,0); ssd1306_char_f16x16(16,5,1); ssd1306_char_f16x16(32,5,2); ssd1306_char_f16x16(48,5,3); ssd1306_char_f16x16(64,5,4); _delay_ms(4000); } return (0); }
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