
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <Wire.h> SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX const int LED_PIN = 13; const int BUSY_PIN = 12; const int HEADLIGHT_PIN = 2; const int HORN_PIN = 9; const int KNIGHTRIDER_PIN = 8; const int SLAVE_ADDRESS = 0x05; const int FLASH_RATE = 100; // Flash half period in ms bool debug_on = true; bool mosfet_state = false; bool mosfet_steady = true; unsigned long flash_tick = 0; class DFPlayer { public: DFPlayer(HardwareSerial& _s) : m_hardware_serial(&_s), m_software_serial(nullptr) { init_buf(); } DFPlayer(SoftwareSerial& _s) : m_hardware_serial(nullptr), m_software_serial(&_s) { init_buf(); } void play_physical(uint16_t num) { send_cmd(0x03, num); while (1) { delay(50); if (digitalRead(BUSY_PIN)) break; } } void start_play_physical(uint16_t num) { send_cmd(0x03, num); } bool is_busy() const { return !digitalRead(BUSY_PIN); } void set_volume(uint16_t volume) { send_cmd(0x06, volume); } uint16_t get_num_flash_files() { flush(); send_cmd_feedback(0x48); return get_reply(); } void flush() { if (m_hardware_serial) while (m_hardware_serial->available()) ; else while (m_software_serial->available()) ; } uint16_t get_reply() { delay(50); uint8_t buf[10]; int n = 0; while (n < 10) { uint8_t c; if (!get_char(c)) { Serial.println("exhausted"); return 0; } if ((n == 0) && (c != 0x7E)) { Serial.println("wrong"); continue; } buf[n++] = c; } #if 0 char s[40]; sprintf(s, "Reply: "); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) sprintf(s+strlen(s)-1, "%02X ", buf[i]); Serial.println(s); #endif if ((n == 10) && (buf[9] == 0xEF)) return buf[5]*256+buf[6]; return 0; } private: bool get_char(uint8_t& c) { if (m_hardware_serial && m_hardware_serial->available()) { c = m_hardware_serial->read(); return true; } if (m_software_serial && m_software_serial->available()) { c = m_software_serial->read(); return true; } return false; } void init_buf() { send_buf[0] = 0x7E; send_buf[1] = 0xFF; send_buf[2] = 0x06; send_buf[9] = 0xEF; } void send_cmd(uint8_t cmd, uint16_t arg = 0) { send_buf[3] = cmd; send_buf[4] = 0; fill_uint16_bigend((send_buf+5), arg); fill_checksum(); send(); } void send_cmd_feedback(uint8_t cmd, uint16_t arg = 0) { send_buf[3] = cmd; send_buf[4] = 1; fill_uint16_bigend((send_buf+5), arg); fill_checksum(); send(); } static void fill_uint16_bigend(uint8_t *thebuf, uint16_t data) { *thebuf = (uint8_t)(data>>8); *(thebuf+1) = (uint8_t)data; } uint16_t get_checksum(uint8_t *thebuf) { uint16_t sum = 0; for(int i = 1; i < 7; i++) { sum += thebuf[i]; } return -sum; } void fill_checksum() { uint16_t checksum = get_checksum(send_buf); fill_uint16_bigend(send_buf+7, checksum); } void send() { if (m_hardware_serial) for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) m_hardware_serial->write(send_buf[i]); else for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) m_software_serial->write(send_buf[i]); } uint8_t send_buf[10]; HardwareSerial* m_hardware_serial; SoftwareSerial* m_software_serial; }; DFPlayer player(mySerial); int num_flash_files = 0; // Index of sound to play. -1 means random. int sound_index = -1; // Flag to start playing sound bool do_play = false; // LED state bool led_state = false; bool knightrider_state = false; bool horn_on = false; unsigned long horn_tick = 0; void receiveData(int byteCount) { int c =; --byteCount; switch (c) { case 0: // Play random sound sound_index = -1; do_play = true; break; case 1: // Play specific sound sound_index =; --byteCount; do_play = true; break; case 2: // Switch headlight on/off mosfet_state =; mosfet_steady = true; --byteCount; break; case 3: // Turn headlight blink on/off mosfet_state =; mosfet_steady = false; flash_tick = millis(); --byteCount; break; case 4: // Control LED led_state =; --byteCount; break; case 5: // Sound horn horn_on = true; horn_tick = millis(); --byteCount; break; case 6: // Control Knight Rider knightrider_state =; --byteCount; break; default: break; } while (byteCount--); } void sendData() { } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Signals v 0.4"); pinMode(HEADLIGHT_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(HORN_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(KNIGHTRIDER_PIN, OUTPUT); mySerial.begin(9600); delay(10); player.set_volume(10); delay(10); while (num_flash_files == 0) { num_flash_files = player.get_num_flash_files(); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, 1); delay(100); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, 0); delay(100); } if (debug_on) { Serial.print("Files on flash: "); Serial.println(num_flash_files); } Wire.begin(SLAVE_ADDRESS); Wire.onReceive(receiveData); Wire.onRequest(sendData); } enum State { STATE_IDLE, STATE_PLAYING, STATE_WAIT } state = STATE_IDLE; unsigned long wait_start = 0; unsigned long play_start = 0; void loop() { switch (state) { case STATE_IDLE: if (do_play) { int num = sound_index; do_play = false; digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); if (num < 0) num = random(num_flash_files); else if (num >= num_flash_files) { Serial.println("Invalid sound index"); break; } if (debug_on) { Serial.print("Play "); Serial.println(num); } player.start_play_physical(num); play_start = millis(); state = STATE_PLAYING; } else digitalWrite(LED_PIN, led_state); break; case STATE_PLAYING: { const bool busy = player.is_busy(); if (!busy) { digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); state = STATE_WAIT; wait_start = millis(); } else if ((millis() - play_start) > 30000) { Serial.println("TIMEOUT"); state = STATE_IDLE; } } break; case STATE_WAIT: if ((millis() - wait_start) > 5000) { state = STATE_IDLE; if (debug_on) Serial.println("Ready"); } break; } const auto now = millis(); digitalWrite(HEADLIGHT_PIN, mosfet_state); if (!mosfet_steady) { if (now - flash_tick > FLASH_RATE) { flash_tick = now; mosfet_state = !mosfet_state; } } digitalWrite(KNIGHTRIDER_PIN, knightrider_state); if (horn_on && (now - horn_tick > 500)) horn_on = false; digitalWrite(HORN_PIN, horn_on); }
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