Recreated Gerber files with Cmts.User layer. Also some modifications to layout.
by Mika 5 years 7 months
by Mika 5 years 8 months
LAYOUT: Move 1.8 VDD pins a little further away from the mountin hole (GND)
by Mika 5 years 8 months
ERROR: Kicad crashes with this setup!
by Mika 5 years 8 months
rotated some labels on silk
by Mika 5 years 8 months
rotate layout
by Mika 5 years 8 months
something different in the layout, I don't know what
by Mika 5 years 8 months
change socket holes to 0,7 mm, and created BOM
by Mika 5 years 9 months
component details from Digi-Key chosen
by Mika 5 years 9 months
fab layer drawing checked, chip socket outline is still missing
by Mika 5 years 9 months
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