v0.1 completed, producing gerbers gerbers to be sent to jlc pcb pending their acceptance, they will be produced
by ben Jackson 5 years 4 months
initial pcb design initial layout and grouping of components complete
by ben Jackson 5 years 5 months
beginning pcb layout pcb layout process begun
by ben Jackson 5 years 5 months
custom footprint for couplers, added decoupling caps added custom footprint for directional couplers - will need to verify it added decoupling caps to ad9851
by ben Jackson 5 years 5 months
finished controller, chose compatible switches controller and rf switches have been completed. ToDo: finish filter design for RF Source, add auto gain control ToDo: finish directional coupler footprints ToDo: PCB Layout
by ben Jackson 5 years 5 months
micro-controller pins labelled micro controller pins have been labelled, the pins on the bottom are yet to be linked to them. still to wire up ftdi chip, still to decide upon rf switch control schema.
by jaxxtech 5 years 6 months
adjusted main schematic to suit initial presentation i moved a few blocks around so that the cropped version of the block diagram would fit nicely in my semester 1 presentation
by jaxxtech 5 years 9 months
block diagram for presentation completed at this stage i have completed the overall block diagram for the initial presentation. the blocks are mostly empty and require further development. the overall block diagram neglects power supply connections for clarity, these will be added internal to the blocks.
by jaxxtech 5 years 9 months
power and rf src blocks added battery managemet and rf source heirachical schematics have been added. these schematics are still empty however will server as a test for visual diff.
by jaxxtech 5 years 9 months
initial commit initial commit in order to test cadlab.io
by Ben Jackson 5 years 9 months
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