PROJ - Gerber files major milestone - 05/05/19.
by Michael Pass 5 years 2 weeks
PROJ - Silkscreen modifications - 50%.
by Michael Pass 5 years 2 weeks
BSPD - Changed OP amp to rail-to-rail.
by Michael Pass 5 years 2 weeks
BSPD - Missing capacitor values added. Component values were missing from sheet. Bypass capacitors, and LPF capacitors have been added. --- SQUASH --- PROJ - Added test files. --- SQUASH --- PROJ - Added test files.
by Michael Pass 5 years 3 weeks
BSPD - Minor changes Small clearance changes.
by Michael Pass 5 years 1 month
BSPD - Rev A; Gerber files. Initial board revisions complete. This board represents a working draft. GERBER files have been generated. Please review.
by Michael Pass 5 years 1 month
BSPD - Auto-routing complete. Performed autorouting. Results generally good. Must correct for ground islands left. Must touch up board clearances. BSPD otherwise done.
by Michael Pass 5 years 1 month
BSPD - Hand routing complete. Proceding with auto routing. Squashed - BSPD - Initial routing. Routing underway. Ground pour chosen. Routing easy choices before attempting autorouting.
by Michael Pass 5 years 1 month
BSPD - Initial placement. Parts have been laid down in a preliminary placement. Routing for power will first be done, and then autorouting will be caried out for signals. Autorouting must be reviewed and redone manually.
by Michael Pass 5 years 1 month
BSPD - Schematic finalized. BSPD schematic needed final refactoring for parts. Adjustable threshold settings have been put in for plausibility checks using resistor arrays. Squashed - BSPD - Removed BSPD.brd. Too much work will be required to refactor this board. It's currently 10 inches long. Given the work entailed, I'm scrapping the board and relaying from a clean slate. Squashed - BSPD - Created BSPD.brd. Board file created.
by Michael Pass 5 years 1 month
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