- ordered version Macrofab order r6rnxag
by Chris Betters 5 years 2 weeks
- rs232 converter for spec. - adjust breakouts for sat
by Chris Betters 5 years 2 weeks
- adding break out connecting for rad counter, air wave power backup, and HSI debug breakout - removing SPI option
by Chris Betters 5 years 3 months
ordered - https://factory.macrofab.com/order/10x65av/overview
by Chris Betters 5 years 7 months
add alt OBC interface via SPI to i2C bridge
by Chris Betters 5 years 7 months
- remove camera and i2c swtich. - add STS connector and wire to serial
by Chris Betters 5 years 8 months
init commit
by Chris Betters 5 years 9 months
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