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FileshardwareArduino_STM32STM32F1librariesSerasidis_XPT2046_touch | |
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A simple XPT2046 Touch Screen library for STM32 micro-controllers.
- The first example sketch (TouchTest.ino) checks if the touch screen has been pressed and prints the X,Y coordinates on the Serial port 1.
- The second example sketch (TouchButtons.ino) creates some virtual buttons defined by the user.
Copyright (c) 03 December 2015 by Vassilis Serasidis
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The library is written for STM32duino ( )
//Create 4*2=8 virtual buttons
#define LINES 2 //Divide the touch screen into 2 lines
#define COLUMNS 4 //Divide the touch screen into 4 columns
Screenshot of the Serial port 1 (TouchButtons.ino)
XPT2046 touch screen buttons
Copyright (c) 02 Dec 2015 by Vassilis Serasidis
Button: 1 X: 1097 Y: 800
Button: 2 X: 3455 Y: 617
Button: 3 X: 684 Y: 1483
Button: 4 X: 3412 Y: 1198
Button: 5 X: 860 Y: 2395
Button: 6 X: 3353 Y: 2355
PIN Connections between XPT2046 and STM32F103
XPT2046 | STM32F103 |
T_DO | PA6 |
T_DIN | PA7 |
T_CS | PA3 |
T_CLK | PA5 |
Selecting the SPI port number and Chip Select pin
Can be used other SPI port than the default SPI1 port. Just select the SPI port you want by replacing the following line into the sketch:
SPIClass mySPI(1); //Create an SPI instance on SPI1 port.
//SPIClass mySPI(2); //Create an SPI instance on SPI2 port.
The Chip select pin can be defined by the user also.
#define CS_PIN PA3 // The pin PA3 has been chosen as Chip Select pin.