15V Power Supply / 15V Power Supply.brd
15V Power Supply / 15V Power Supply.sch
Nixie Boost Power Supply / Nixie Boost Converter.sch
Nixie Boost Power Supply / Eagle / Eagle / Eagle.sch
Power Supply / Power Supply REV0.sch
Power Supply / Sample Power Supply LM317.sch
Power Supply / Eagle / Eagle / Eagle.sch
projects / Metvoc Controller / Metvoc.brd
projects / Metvoc Controller / Metvoc.sch
projects / Metvoc2.0 / AccelDataLogger.sch
projects / Metvoc2.0 / Metvoc2.0.sch
projects / Senior Design / Embedded.brd
projects / Senior Design / Embedded.sch
Pulse Generator / Pulse Generator.brd
Pulse Generator / Pulse Generator.sch
Last update 6 years 2 months
FilesPower SupplyEagle | |
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Eagle | |
readme.txt |
readme.txtTo import your new library into Eagle: 1. Start Eagle. 2. Select File -> New -> Library from the menu. 3. In the blank library window, select File -> Execute Script from the menu. 5. Browse to your newly exported Eagle Script file (".scr" file extension) 6. After opening the file, the script will populate the new library. 7. Use File -> Save (or Save As..) to save the library to the desired location in Eagle native format. For additional information, please visit this site: You may also find this video helpful: