
#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; const pandoc = require('pandoc-filter'); const {RawInline, Image} = pandoc; function customReplace(type, value, format, meta) { if (format === 'plain' && type === 'Emph') { // remove emphasize for txt output return value; } if (format !== 'latex') { return; } if (type === 'Str') { return stringReplace(value); } // link to PDF images instead of SVG ones if (type === 'Image') { const [attrs, alt, [src, title]] = value; return Image(attrs, alt, [src.replace('.svg', '.pdf'), title]); } } function stringReplace(value) { let changed = false; // replace :x: and :ok: with their corresponding, colored unicode symbols if (value.match(/:x:|:ok:|:oksw:/)) { value = value.replace(/:x:/g, '\\textcolor{FireBrick}{\\ding{55}}'); value = value.replace(/:ok:/g, '\\textcolor{ForestGreen}{\\ding{51}}'); value = value.replace(/:oksw:/g, '\\ding{51}'); changed = true; } // replace ↩ with latex newline (especially useful in multiline tables) if (value.includes('↩')) { value = value.replace('↩', '\\\\\n'); changed = true; } if (changed) { return RawInline('latex', value); } } pandoc.stdio(customReplace);
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