[IMP] firmware: Application 1.3.2
* Downgrade toolchain to 1.70 to resolve Address errors
* Set _ADDED_C_LIB as a global define. This option adds snprintf() and vsnprintf()
* Add more consistent method of writing the BC127 boot failure count
* Default log buffers to 0x00
* Resolve buffer overflows in UI code setting values one address off from the end of the array
1 year 11 months
[IMP] firmware: Application 1.3.2
* Update to toolchain 2.0.0
* Prevent RPOR (Reprogrammable pin) memory overflow by not reading registers above 15
* Prevent memory overflow caused by writing more timer tasks than are available
* Add Error level warning if more timers are being assigned than there are slots for
* Fix UART RX Register Reset issue when a frame error exists by reading the register directly, rather than the pointer to it
* Resolve issue logging BC127 boot failure by directly calling EEPROMWriteByte so that the value is not ignored
* Various `volatile` keywords to ensure there are no unwanted optimizations where required
1 year 12 months
Make sure we support response without space in front of time field
Ivan Debnar
1 year 12 months
Workaround for iPhone not adhering to GSM 07.07 - AT Commands standards.
Ivan Debnar
1 year 12 months
[FIX] firmware: 1.3.1 / 1.3.2 Styling changes
2 years 5 days