
/* * File: timer.c * Author: Ted Salmon <> * Description: * Implement a timer that fires every millisecond so that we can * time events in the application. Implement a scheduled task queue. */ #include "timer.h" volatile uint32_t TimerCurrentMillis = 0; volatile uint8_t TimerEnableLEDValue = TIMER_LED_DISABLED; /** * TimerInit() * Description: * Initialize the system Timer (Timer1) and the LED Timer (Timer2) * Params: * None * Returns: * void */ void TimerInit() { T1CON = 0; T1CON = TIMER_ON | STOP_TIMER_IN_IDLE_MODE | TIMER_SOURCE_INTERNAL | GATED_TIME_DISABLED | TIMER_16BIT_MODE | CLOCK_DIVIDER; PR1 = PR1_SETTING; SetTIMERIP(TIMER_1_INDEX, TIMER_1_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY); SetTIMERIF(TIMER_1_INDEX, 0); SetTIMERIE(TIMER_1_INDEX, 1); T2CON = 0; T2CON = TIMER_ON | STOP_TIMER_IN_IDLE_MODE | TIMER_SOURCE_INTERNAL | GATED_TIME_DISABLED | TIMER_PRESCALER_256 | TIMER_16BIT_MODE | TIMER_SOURCE_INTERNAL; PR2 = PR2_SETTING; SetTIMERIP(TIMER_2_INDEX, TIMER_2_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY); SetTIMERIF(TIMER_2_INDEX, 0); SetTIMERIE(TIMER_2_INDEX, 1); } /** * TimerDestory() * Description: * Disable both timers that we initialized originally * Params: * None * Returns: * void */ void TimerDestroy() { T1CON = 0; PR1 = 0; SetTIMERIP(TIMER_1_INDEX, 0); SetTIMERIF(TIMER_1_INDEX, 0); SetTIMERIE(TIMER_1_INDEX, 0); T2CON = 0; PR2 = 0; SetTIMERIP(TIMER_2_INDEX, 0); SetTIMERIF(TIMER_2_INDEX, 0); SetTIMERIE(TIMER_2_INDEX, 0); } /** * TimerDisableLED() * Description: * Disable the LED Flashing Timer * Params: * void * Returns: * void */ void TimerDisableLED() { TimerEnableLEDValue = TIMER_LED_DISABLED; ON_LED = 0; } /** * TimerEnableLED() * Description: * Enable the LED Flashing Timer * Params: * void * Returns: * void */ void TimerEnableLED() { TimerEnableLEDValue = TIMER_LED_OFF; } /** * TimerGetMillis() * Description: * Return the number of elapsed milliseconds since boot * Params: * None * Returns: * uint32_t - The milliseconds since boot */ uint32_t TimerGetMillis() { return (uint32_t) TimerCurrentMillis; } /** * T1Interrupt * Description: * Update the milliseconds since boot. Iterate through the scheduled * tasks and update their ticks. * Params: * void * Returns: * void */ void __attribute__((__interrupt__, auto_psv)) _T1Interrupt(void) { TimerCurrentMillis++; SetTIMERIF(TIMER_1_INDEX, 0); } /** * T2Interrupt * Description: * Flash the LED every half second * Params: * void * Returns: * void */ void __attribute__((__interrupt__, auto_psv)) _T2Interrupt(void) { if (TimerEnableLEDValue != TIMER_LED_DISABLED) { if (TimerEnableLEDValue == TIMER_LED_ON) { ON_LED = 0; TimerEnableLEDValue = TIMER_LED_OFF; } else { ON_LED = 1; TimerEnableLEDValue = TIMER_LED_ON; } } SetTIMERIF(TIMER_2_INDEX, 0); }
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