
Last update 5 years 7 months

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My Customized AVR Board

To reduce the cost of making Electronic projects, and to take a step into further understanding microcontrollers. I exited the world of Arduino and entered AVR.

This board is carefully customized according to my own need, it is designed in a way that it will suit a hobbyist project. It has a built-in voltage regulator and an LED tied to PB2 for debugging purposes. It has a socket for the L293D Motor Driver, and it also has an I2C pinout for modules that require the I2C interface.

I don't have a ground plane yet as Eagle is having trouble routing, I will add it in future versions.

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Brain of the board

The chip in the middle is the 8-bit ATMEGA328 AVR chip. Datasheets are available ]]>here]]>

How to program it

You'll need to have Atmel Studio installed. Then connect a JTAGICE3 to the onboard ISP connector (the 2x3 pin header). Connect power either via the UART pins or Battery power supply pins as JTAGICE3 do not power the board for safety purposes. Select ATMEGA328/P in "Tools/Device Programming" and you're good to go.


A 7805 Voltage Regulator in the TO-252 package is used to reduce any input voltage between 6v and 12v down to a stable 5v to power the microcontroller.

Battery Connector

Rather than having a 2x1 pin header for battery connection which is dangerous because you'd never know if you had the polarity of your battery flipped, the battery pinout is a 3x1 pin header GND, VCC, GND so it will still work regardless of how you connect it. But it also meant that you'll need a 3x1 female pin header soldered onto your battery terminals.

On-board LED

The on-board 5mm LED is connected to PB2 with a 150ohm resistor in series. Here is the C code to switch it on: #include <avr/io.h> DDRB |= 1 << PINB2; // This is declaring PB2 as output PORTB |= 1 << PINB2; // This is setting PB2 as 1

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