atmega32uc3-prototype / 1.brd
atmega32uc3-prototype / 1.sch
atmega32uc3-prototype / 2.brd
atmega32uc3-prototype / 2.sch
atmega32uc3-prototype / 3.brd
atmega32uc3-prototype / 3.sch
atmega32uc3-prototype / 4.brd
atmega32uc3-prototype / 4.sch
atmega32uc3-prototype / 5.brd
atmega32uc3-prototype / 5.sch
atmega32uc3-prototype / 6.brd
atmega32uc3-prototype / 6.sch
atmega32uc3-prototype / at32uc3_proto.brd
atmega32uc3-prototype / at32uc3_proto.sch
atmega32uc3-prototype / at32uc3_proto1.brd
atmega32uc3-prototype / at32uc3_proto1.sch
atmega32uc3-prototype / at32uc3_proto2.brd
atmega32uc3-prototype / at32uc3_proto2.sch
atmega32uc3-prototype / at32uc3_proto3.brd
atmega32uc3-prototype / at32uc3_proto3.sch
atmega32uc3-prototype / at32uc3_proto4.brd
atmega32uc3-prototype / at32uc3_proto4.sch
atmega32uc3-prototype / at32uc3_proto_v7_eagle7x.brd
atmega32uc3-prototype / at32uc3_proto_v7_eagle7x.sch
comparator-board / Comparator Board New.brd
comparator-board / Comparator Board New.sch
comparator-board / Comparator Board New1.brd
comparator-board / Comparator_Board_New_eagle7x.brd
comparator-board / Comparator_Board_New_eagle7x.sch
ftdi-programmer-pcb / FT232R-Breakout-v36.sch
ftdi-programmer-pcb / FTDI_PROG.brd
ftdi-programmer-pcb / FTDI_PROG.sch
ftdi-programmer-pcb / FTDI_PROG1.brd
ftdi-programmer-pcb / FTDI_PROG1.sch
ftdi-programmer-pcb / FTDI_PROG2.brd
ftdi-programmer-pcb / FTDI_PROG2.sch
ftdi-programmer-pcb / FTDI_PROG3.brd
ftdi-programmer-pcb / FTDI_PROG3.sch
ftdi-programmer-pcb / FTDI_PROG3_eagle7x.brd
ftdi-programmer-pcb / FTDI_PROG3_eagle7x.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln no plane.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln no plane.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln plane.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln plane.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln plane_new may(s).brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln plane_new may(s).sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln plane_new may(s)1.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln plane_new may(s)1.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln plane_new may(s)FINAL.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln plane_new may(s)FINAL.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln plane_new may(s)FINALcam.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln plane_new may(s)FINALcam.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln plane_new.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / dual uln plane_new.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / final_eagle7x.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / final_eagle7x.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / no plane.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / no plane.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-2013 / 2013_ptn51.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-2013 / ptn.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-2013 / ptn.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-2013 / ptn1.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-2013 / ptn2.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-2013 / ptn3.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-2013 / ptn4.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-2013 / ptn5.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-2013 / ptn_2013.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-2013 / ptn_2013.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-2013 / ptn_eagle7x.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-piston-2013 / 1.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-piston-2013 / 1.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-piston-2013 / ptn-piston_eagle7x.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / ptn-piston-2013 / ptn-piston_eagle7x.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / ULN Board Old / Double(12) / uln-piston horiz.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / ULN Board Old / Double(12) / uln-piston horiz.sch
piston-pcbs-2013 / ULN Board Old / Double(12) / uln-piston.brd
piston-pcbs-2013 / ULN Board Old / Double(12) / uln-piston.sch
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter.brd
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter.sch
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter1.brd
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter1.sch
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter2.brd
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter2.sch
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter3.brd
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter3.sch
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter4.brd
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter4.sch
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter5.brd
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter5.sch
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter5r.brd
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter5r.sch
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter5r_eagle7x.brd
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter5r_eagle7x.sch
transmitter-pcb-2013 / transmitter5receiever.sch
two-atmega32 / a.sch
two-atmega32 / b.sch
two-atmega32 / C.sch
two-atmega32 / xb.sch
uln-pcb-shogini / uln-dual-eagle7x.brd
uln-pcb-shogini / uln-dual-eagle7x.sch
uln-pcb-shogini / uln-dual.brd
uln-pcb-shogini / uln-dual.sch
Last update 6 years 4 months
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c1.txtNET LIST REPORT -- MIT6842.job -- Fri Nov 16 11:38:22 2012 *SIG GND RST32X.3 ADC4.1 ADC5.1 ADC3.1 ADC6.1 ADC7.1 U2.28 U2.18 C4.2 C2.2 U2.39 C5.2 U2.6 C6.1 C3.2 C7.1 C10.2 32X2.2 32X1.8 TD2.1 32X2.8 IC11.2 C31.2 IC11.8 IC12.2 C33.2 32X1.2 C8.2 IC12.8 IC9.2 C27.2 IC9.8 IC10.2 C29.2 IC10.8 C52.2 C51.1 J7.12 IC7.2 C23.2 J3.1 IC7.8 IC8.2 C25.2 UART3.1 IC8.8 IC5.2 C12.2 IC5.8 IC6.2 C14.2 IC6.8 32Y1.2 C35.2 32Y1.8 32Y2.2 C37.2 32Y2.8 D7.1 D6.1 C19.2 U3.28 U3.18 C20.2 U3.39 C18.2 C15.2 U3.6 C17.1 C16.1 C21.2 RN2.1 ````` RST32Y.3 RST32Y.1 TD4.1 JPG32Y.1 ENY2.3 ENY1.3 SENSOR.16 SENSOR.14 SENSOR.12 SENSOR.10 SENSOR.8 SENSOR.6 SENSOR.4 SENSOR.2 UART0.1 EN1.3 EN1.5 EN1.2 E6.1 EN2.5 EN2.3 EN2.2 C53.2 C56.2 C46.2 J11.24 J11.6 SLCD.1 UART2.1 J9.11 RST.4 RST.2 C49.2 UART1.1 J13.7 C64.2 C62.2 JPG32X.1 ENX2.3 ENX1.3 AUX5D1.1 TD1.1 AUX5D2.1 TD3.1 C45.1 R5.1 AUXSEN.4 AUXSEN.6 AUXSEN.2 AUXSEN.8 AUXSEN.10 AUXSEN.12 AUXSEN.14 AUXSEN.16 !!!! here rst.1 and rst.3 are shorted intead of 2 and 1 that wont b a problem i think! *SIG RST1280 RST.1 R6.2 C49.1 RST.3 J13.5 JPROG.3 !!!! same here *SIG RST32Y ```````U3.4 JPG32Y.3 RST32Y.4 /////// RST32Y.2 C15.1 ```R3.2 *SIG RST32X ````````C1.1 R1.2 RST32X.4 RST32X.2 U2.4 JPG32X.3 !!!!!!!