
Last update 6 years 3 months by Olivier Gillet
#!/usr/bin/python2.5 # # Copyright 2014 Olivier Gillet. # # Author: Olivier Gillet ( # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # See for more information. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Characters definitions. characters = [] MASKS = { 'a': 0x8000, 'b': 0x4000, 'c': 0x2000, 'd': 0x1000, 'e': 0x0800, 'f': 0x0400, 'g': 0x0200, 'h': 0x0100, 'j': 0x80, 'k': 0x40, 'l': 0x20, 'm': 0x10, 'n': 0x08, 'p': 0x04, } characters = { 'A': 'afepkbc', 'B': 'adhmbck', 'C': 'afed', 'D': 'adhmbc', 'E': 'afedkp', 'F': 'afepk', 'G': 'afedck', 'H': 'febcpk', 'I': 'adhm', 'J': 'bcde', 'K': 'efpjl', 'L': 'def', 'M': 'efgjbc', 'N': 'efglcb', 'O': 'abcdef', 'P': 'abpkef', 'Q': 'abcdefl', 'R': 'abpkefl', 'S': 'afpkcd', 'T': 'ahm', 'U': 'bcdef', 'V': 'fenj', 'W': 'fenlcb', 'X': 'gjln', 'Y': 'gjm', 'Z': 'ajnd', 'a': 'abpkecd', 'b': 'fedlp', 'c': 'pked', 'd': 'bcdnk', 'e': 'afped', 'f': 'afpe', 'g': 'agkbcd', 'h': 'fpkec', 'i': 'mpkd', 'j': 'kcd', 'k': 'hmjl', 'l': 'hm', 'm': 'epkmc', 'n': 'mkc', 'o': 'pkecd', 'p': 'afpje', 'q': 'afpkbl', 'r': 'mk', 's': 'agkcd', 't': 'fedp', 'u': 'edc', 'v': 'en', 'w': 'enlc', 'x': 'gnjl', 'y': 'gkbcd', 'z': 'pnd', '0': 'abcdef', '1': 'bc', '2': 'abpked', '3': 'abcdkp', '4': 'fpkbc', '5': 'afpkcd', '6': 'afpkcde', '7': 'abc', '8': 'abcdefpk', '9': 'abcpkfd', '!': 'hm', '"': 'fh', '#': 'pkdhmbc', '$': 'afpkcdhm', '%': 'jnfc', '&': 'aghpeld', '\'': 'h', '(': 'afed', ')': 'abcd', '*': 'ghjmnlpk', '+': 'hmpk', ',': 'n', '-': 'pk', '.': 'm', '/': 'jn', ':': 'hm', ';': 'hn', '<': 'jl', '>': 'gn', '?': 'fajm', '=': 'pkd', '@': 'kmcbafed', '[': 'afed', ']': 'abcd', '\\': 'gl', '^': 'nl', '_': 'd', '`': 'g', '{': 'pgnad', '|': 'hm', '}': 'ajldk', '~': 'pk', # LRDU '\x80': 'jlbc', '\x81': 'efgn', '\x82': 'agj', '\x83': 'dnl', # LRDU arrow '\x84': 'jkl', '\x85': 'gpn', '\x86': 'ghj', '\x87': 'nml', # Waveforms '\x88': 'njbc', # Saw '\x89': 'enjb', # Centered saw '\x8A': 'mn', # Baby saw '\x8B': 'nl', # Tri '\x8C': 'efabc', # Square '\x8D': 'epkc', # Baby square '\x8E': 'dhm', # Pulse '\x8F': 'efgkc', # ADSR # Spinner '\x90': 'abcdefn', '\x91': 'abcdefp', '\x92': 'abcdefg', '\x93': 'abcdefh', '\x94': 'abcdefj', '\x95': 'abcdefk', '\x96': 'abcdefl', '\x97': 'abcdefm', # Spinner 2 '\x98': 'ab', '\x99': 'abc', '\x9A': 'bcd', '\x9B': 'cde', '\x9C': 'de', '\x9D': 'def', '\x9E': 'efa', '\x9F': 'fab', '\xA0': 'abcdefghjklmnp', '\xFF': 'abcdefghjklmnp', 'null': 'null' } character_table = [] for i in xrange(256): segments = characters.get(chr(i), '') character_table.append(sum(MASKS[segment] for segment in segments)) characters = [('characters', character_table)]
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