Optimized size and solderability
by antscience 6 years 5 months
Size and DRC Optimizations Final size: 1.5"x2.5". Might be a little tricky to solder now, but oh well
by antscience 6 years 5 months
ERC Compliant
by antscience 6 years 5 months
Version 2 Board File Added in board file. FINAL
by antscience 6 years 5 months
Fixed ERC Went through ERC and fixed/approved all errors/warnings except for continuity ones. Board needs to be redrawn completely
by antscience 6 years 5 months
Added SD Card Forgot to add bypass cap to the SD card reader
by antscience 6 years 5 months
Added SD Card reader TODO: Verify if we need to use 3V3 or 5V for the SD card. If it's 3V, then we need to add in a level shifter between ATMEGA and the card.
by antscience 6 years 5 months
Version 2_UPDATED_ADC Added in voltage regulators, power and programming headers, and bypass capacitors TODO: Still need to add in SD card reader circuitry. CHECK: Do we need to set AGND on the ADC to the sensor ground? Is the 0.5V regulator going to produce a steady reference voltage? What is the voltage for the strain gauges (UPDATE R2 VALUE WHEN WE KNOW)?
by antscience 6 years 5 months
New board with updated ADC1256 from TI TODO: Redo calibration circuitry to be single-pot per bridge (REMOVE 1 pot chip), and add in 370 and 5k resistors as done in previous board versions TODO: Add in programming header, SD card reader, and voltage regulators.
by antscience 6 years 5 months
Version 1 FINAL Nearly complete version of the first iteration of the strain gauge logger. TODO: Check SD card for validity. I have no idea how it's supposed to be hooked up.
by antscience 6 years 5 months
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