Last update 7 years 1 month
stm8s_wwdg.ls1 ; C Compiler for STM8 (COSMIC Software) 2 ; Parser V4.8.32 - 23 Mar 2010 3 ; Generator V4.3.4 - 23 Mar 2010 4 ; Optimizer V4.3.3 - 10 Feb 2010 63 ; 53 void WWDG_Init(uint8_t Counter, uint8_t WindowValue) 63 ; 54 { 65 switch .text 66 0000 _WWDG_Init: 68 0000 89 pushw x 69 00000000 OFST: set 0 72 ; 56 assert_param(IS_WWDG_WINDOWLIMITVALUE_OK(WindowValue)); 74 0001 9f ld a,xl 75 0002 a180 cp a,#128 76 0004 250e jrult L01 77 0006 ae0038 ldw x,#56 78 0009 89 pushw x 79 000a 5f clrw x 80 000b 89 pushw x 81 000c ae0000 ldw x,#L72 82 000f cd0000 call _assert_failed 84 0012 5b04 addw sp,#4 85 0014 L01: 86 ; 58 WWDG->WR = WWDG_WR_RESET_VALUE; 88 0014 357f50d2 mov 20690,#127 89 ; 59 WWDG->CR = (uint8_t)((uint8_t)(WWDG_CR_WDGA | WWDG_CR_T6) | (uint8_t)Counter); 91 0018 7b01 ld a,(OFST+1,sp) 92 001a aac0 or a,#192 93 001c c750d1 ld 20689,a 94 ; 60 WWDG->WR = (uint8_t)((uint8_t)(~WWDG_CR_WDGA) & (uint8_t)(WWDG_CR_T6 | WindowValue)); 96 001f 7b02 ld a,(OFST+2,sp) 97 0021 a47f and a,#127 98 0023 aa40 or a,#64 99 0025 c750d2 ld 20690,a 100 ; 61 } 103 0028 85 popw x 104 0029 81 ret 137 ; 69 void WWDG_SetCounter(uint8_t Counter) 137 ; 70 { 138 switch .text 139 002a _WWDG_SetCounter: 141 002a 88 push a 142 00000000 OFST: set 0 145 ; 72 assert_param(IS_WWDG_COUNTERVALUE_OK(Counter)); 147 002b a180 cp a,#128 148 002d 250e jrult L02 149 002f ae0048 ldw x,#72 150 0032 89 pushw x 151 0033 5f clrw x 152 0034 89 pushw x 153 0035 ae0000 ldw x,#L72 154 0038 cd0000 call _assert_failed 156 003b 5b04 addw sp,#4 157 003d L02: 158 ; 76 WWDG->CR = (uint8_t)(Counter & (uint8_t)BIT_MASK); 160 003d 7b01 ld a,(OFST+1,sp) 161 003f a47f and a,#127 162 0041 c750d1 ld 20689,a 163 ; 77 } 166 0044 84 pop a 167 0045 81 ret 190 ; 86 uint8_t WWDG_GetCounter(void) 190 ; 87 { 191 switch .text 192 0046 _WWDG_GetCounter: 196 ; 88 return(WWDG->CR); 198 0046 c650d1 ld a,20689 201 0049 81 ret 224 ; 96 void WWDG_SWReset(void) 224 ; 97 { 225 switch .text 226 004a _WWDG_SWReset: 230 ; 98 WWDG->CR = WWDG_CR_WDGA; /* Activate WWDG, with clearing T6 */ 232 004a 358050d1 mov 20689,#128 233 ; 99 } 236 004e 81 ret 270 ; 108 void WWDG_SetWindowValue(uint8_t WindowValue) 270 ; 109 { 271 switch .text 272 004f _WWDG_SetWindowValue: 274 004f 88 push a 275 00000000 OFST: set 0 278 ; 111 assert_param(IS_WWDG_WINDOWLIMITVALUE_OK(WindowValue)); 280 0050 a180 cp a,#128 281 0052 250e jrult L43 282 0054 ae006f ldw x,#111 283 0057 89 pushw x 284 0058 5f clrw x 285 0059 89 pushw x 286 005a ae0000 ldw x,#L72 287 005d cd0000 call _assert_failed 289 0060 5b04 addw sp,#4 290 0062 L43: 291 ; 113 WWDG->WR = (uint8_t)((uint8_t)(~WWDG_CR_WDGA) & (uint8_t)(WWDG_CR_T6 | WindowValue)); 293 0062 7b01 ld a,(OFST+1,sp) 294 0064 a47f and a,#127 295 0066 aa40 or a,#64 296 0068 c750d2 ld 20690,a 297 ; 114 } 300 006b 84 pop a 301 006c 81 ret 314 xdef _WWDG_SetWindowValue 315 xdef _WWDG_SWReset 316 xdef _WWDG_GetCounter 317 xdef _WWDG_SetCounter 318 xdef _WWDG_Init 319 xref _assert_failed 320 .const: section .text 321 0000 L72: 322 0000 6c6962726172 dc.b "library\stm8s_wwdg" 323 0012 2e6300 dc.b ".c",0 343 end